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My XP-Pen drawing table stopped working yesterday. I tried troubleshooting it, calling tech support, nothing worked so far. I don't have the money to buy a new one right now, so I'll have to settle with drawing on my Tablet (luckily I have a Samsung S6 that can handle CSP), but it does mean it will take longer to get things done because it's not great at dealing with complex drawings (lots of layers and large resolutions). I am almost done with one commission, but I don't think I'll be able to finish the next one before next month to share it here, so I just thought I should let you all know.

Also, if you're in the commission list, I am truly sorry for taking so long. It's been rough and this just made it a lot harder for me to create. I'm sorry.

I'll post an update probably tomorrow with the finished piece.


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