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Here are all the versions I came up with for the YCH rewards! Don't worry, they will be lineart works, but I decided it was smarter to just show you all the poses and save myself some work in case one pose or another gets no requests, you know?

And for the first time, I decided to make alt versions that could be used for male characters (mainly the one ones on the left, but top right could be used for that too), so you guys can request male characters now!

Futa versions available as well, as shown. And the pose on the top right has thick thigh versions as well (last image).

So, for simplicity's sake, send me a message over at discord or patreon DM (I prefer discord, but DMing here's an option too!) and I'll check everything during the weekend. Who knows, maybe I'll even stream a bit of the work!

See you guys later.
And Happy Easter, if I don't talk to you all before that!



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