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My ideas for this painting was to have the girl talking shit to someone, but I've never played or seen anything about this character before. But, it was a suggestion for the poll, so I put it there and she won! It was fun, nonetheless. 

Also, the technique I tried out was to shade with 20% opacity and 20% flow using only black and white on an Overlay mask, and then blurring and mixing it a bit with the smudge tool. It kinda works, but I need to work on it to make it good without wasting too much time. The whole point of using the 20% opacity and flow is to just use black and white several times where I want each area to be more or less shaded or highlited, but perhaps I used the wrong brush for it, since it took me a while to get a good effect after that first step. Still, it gave it a solid, simple shading that I kinda liked.



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