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Humans always thought they were alone, even though we knew we couldn’t be. We searched for life other than our own in the galaxy for years, decades, centuries. And even though movies played at the idea that they would find us first, we were not prepared when it actually happened.

2101. That was the year. We had finally achieved sustainability and the whole world was celebrating. That year, a spaceship came, on a sunday afternoon so common that most who saw it thought it was a prank, or a new technological breakthrough. But it was them.

Themians, we called them. Beings from the Carina III galaxy, that looked almost identical to us, but had evolved much faster. They came to us as a last resort, for their planet was being swallowed by a black hole, and all they could do was seek refuge here.

Now, many people saw this as a problem. We had barely escaped extinction and stabilized our own planet. Now several millions of Themians arrived, counting on our hospitality.

Well, they probably didn’t know our history towards different cultures.

At first, the UN welcomed the newcomers. They promised peace and a home for them in our planet… until they got what they wanted.

The Themians lived for a few years in peace, and travelled the world as free people. And although most humans were friendly, some treated them as outsiders and even invaders. The thing was, as much as those people wanted, they wouldn’t dare lay a finger on any Themian. Why?

Because they had powers.

Themians had developed what we could only describe as superhuman abilities. Some could change shape, some could move incredibly fast, had amazing strength, could move things at a distance and even fly! That, more than anything, might have been their downfall.

You see, humans are not used to not being the top of the food chain. When they realized that the Themians not only were more technologically, but also physically advanced, their fear and jealousy spoke louder. It wasn’t long until more and more humans started to shun Themians, and shortly after they realized they were in danger.

Too late.

The UN had finally gotten what they wanted. Technological advancements in warfare and space travel. The Purge began. A worldwide massacre against the very beings that brought us that technology. Peaceful beings, victims of humanity’s hubris and jealousy.

It’s been 15 years now. You probably don’t even remember much about them. The Themians are all but forgotten. Like the Indians and Africans before them, what mankind and it’s “modern society” couldn’t enslave or corrupt, they eradicated. And the last traces of Themian presence were almost completely destroyed.

But I’m not going to let that happen. I stole what they need, but they’ve got me trapped. I must hide it. I don’t know who you are or how you’ll receive this message, but you must find it. I know you can. For Themia. For justice.

They’re breaking in.

Let the stars guide your way.


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