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Same idea, different reason. I seem to have deleted my YCH project so I had only low rez versions of the poses... Which resulted in me deciding I should update them as well. Might change the futa version a bit more (in a very specific area, you'll never guess where), but it's the same idea, only these won't change price because, well, it's the same amount of work, only slightly higher quality (except if you want the character colored or their design complicates the YCH work.

In any case, let me know if you guys like this! I'll have a finished animation to show you tomorrow or friday, and then a cool new piece at the start of next week to close out the month.

An then comes May with my birthday, babyyyy! Let's go, more wrist pain, snoring and complaining about younger generations, hell yeah!

(No but seriously, my birthday is on the first half of May and if you want to get a commission to help me buy me a gift, I'd be super happy.)

See you tomorrow, guys!



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