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Work called me in on Friday, so they swapped me for today but in doing that I ended up with split days and felt pretty much like that wasn't enough to be a functional human being so I'll be doing some stuff today after some sleep. Two polls going up, a ych thing, and then this month's YCH pose.

So I like this job, like a lot, it's basically what I wanted as far as financial security goes. I'm getting paid above minimum wage by a quite a bit, I get benefits as long as I meet an easy minimum of hours in a month which is easy because there's always hours up for grabs. Like I'm going to get dental, the works, you know? That's crazy to me. I get vacation time in 6 months rather than after my first year. Every 3ish months, I get an automated raise. It's a good job. The managers are surprisingly friendly but not in a pushover way.

I still have to talk to them because I was signed on as part time, not full time so while money is good, I haven't been able to work on Wolf's Blood stuff or anything else in general. I'm off today so I'm going to get some sleep and then I can post that stuff that I have.

Extra news!

Oh! So you may be asking why I was going for overtime and extra hours so soon? Well, Jax, our boxer had a small spot on his spine, so his surgery was back on the 12th, and we had to front the surgery and whatnot, so $600 later, we can safely say his tumor was benign. So yay!

I'm very very tired but good. Just tired.


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