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Haven't really had as much time as I would have liked. Didn't really account for how much I was gonna get worked and how tired that made me. 

Job is graveyard shift, so sleep schedule is even wonkier. I was only supposed to be like 30-32 hours a week. With callouts and the holiday, they were like, "you said you have full availability, we could use a hand if you're needing the money." and I really need that money sooo..

I had overtime every single day I worked... I have 3 days off next week, and then 4 the week after. So i'm looking forward to that, just very very very tired for the moment. 

These sketches are more so I know what the heck I was thinking for my days off next week because this week just destroyed me. I know there's more I have to do, I'm not forgetting. This was just literally all I had time for this week. I have two more posts but I won't have much to say.

Hope you're holding up okay.



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