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So I haven't really been back to FA in a few months, I've kind of just been focusing on here, really. I wanted to see the last things I posted on there so I can update it to be more current. 

Back in early January, on FurAffinity, I posted Fluttershy's Challenge which was a basic image set seeing Fluttershy go from a little out of shape to pretty damn massive over the course of about 6 months. Anyway, I said I was going to do a continuation of that image of her meeting up with Rainbow Dash to show off her results. 

Well, I had already drawn it, but every time onward I was just never happy with it. This was the initial sketch:

So, for some reason I didn't draw well on paper. I've gotten better at it now, I just prefer digital because I'm messy when it comes to sketching up a concept. This was the first pass. I liked the mass but I'm not that great at profile shots of characters.

 I think it was in January that I did this one:

There was a lot I didn't like about how this one was going, head proportions, hoof proportions, body placement, things showing when, if she was in that position, you wouldn't be able to see it from this angle. I got frustrated and just said screw it and shelved it for 2 or 3 months. 

I think last month I tried again:

I felt really dumb. So after correcting the color on my monitor, and finally looking at a real reference of Fluttershy, I was suprised to say that I'd been making her the color of a banana instead of her real color. I liked how plump RD was coming out but something still felt off. Oh right, I drew FS with big ol' honkers in Fluttershy's Challenge, also due to how I was drawing the upper trapezius muscle group, I was forcing myself to draw FS with a bigger head. Also the position of her hooves would have her toppling forward with most of her weight shifted forward like that. 

Again, I shelved it until I could be better and tackle the pose  with better skills. Yesterday, I decided to tackle it and finish it in one day. Resulting in this:

So while not wanting it to take a buttload of time, I did want to devote a single day to get this done, there's things I would change about it now, looking at it a day later. But that's the thing with my brain, it can never leave things be when it does latch onto something before pinging off to some distant thing on the horizon. 

It's like trying to herd feral rabid cats that hate me. 



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