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If Raven's not meditating, she'll more than likely be found in Titans Tower's gym.

Yesterday's stream wasn't going that great. I wasn't feeling motivated to draw because the sets I had weren't that interesting to draw off of so I kind of just sat there for a bit before deciding I was just gonna finish one of the Raven sketches for the day. 

Some stuff has been going on but, for once, I can say it's not to me, it's just sort of around me so I've been trying to help out where I can. I will say that I've also been working on a few things that should be out in about two days. Today's a little weird, I'm helping a friend move but they're estimating it to take way less time than I think it will actually take. I should be back by 5pm to do some work on today's winner. I haven't checked on it but hopefully you've voted, there weren't a lot of votes last time. 



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