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Okay, so first of all, I didn't get the job I interviewed for. On the bright side I wanted to say thanks for all the support so far, it's been blowing my mind. I am sorry the past day or so hasn't really seen anything new, there's a reason for that, I swear. 

Yesterday was my anniversary so I spent the great majority of it just with my wife and then at the end of the night decided to tackle rehardwiring how I draw. 

It started because I was starting to have wrist pain whenever I was drawing so I dug up the little remote you see on the left in the photo. It's an XP-Pen Shortcut Remote and I've had it for about a year. I was really hesitant to use it because well, I was so used to using my keyboard for all the shortcuts that the idea of limiting myself to just 10 buttons felt impossible. 

It took like an hour just to pick what would be a reasonable configuration for my keys and then I decided I'd assign the 18 hotkeys on the sides of my tablet and that was a real nightmare but I got it done.

So after I got that headache out of the way, I started just clearing my desk, just little things I really didn't need on it. So now it feels all spacious and free and I love it. I REALLY love this desk, because if I scooch my tablet back, I can lift the panel and draw on it like an easel. I took a photo, there's a little sneak peek doodle there, too. 

Following that I reconfigured my OBS setup for recording/streaming. The recording view is above, the streaming one is gonna take a bit to get right so more on that later.

Today, well I spent most of today trying to get used to the whole thing. I was recording Moze and Tyreen in the pics above (or so I thought, didn't record for like 5 hours out of 7, felt really dumb but it's okay.). 

My brain is like fried, right now. I'm getting used to using the hotkeys on the tablet, my remote, and actually the buttons on my stylus. I knew it would be hard because I've been using the keyboard shortcuts for over 4 years now. It's a hard habit to pickup but I'm getting there. My wrist is fine btw, it's not hurting. Just my brain.


The reason I'm pushing for a new recording/streaming setup is because I want to start new tiers. The last one is really just me spit balling ideas for now, though. 

- $2 would be the base tier and have access to all the high res pics of my stuff and whatever alts come out along with being able to vote in upcoming polls.

- $4 would have access to the video recordings of my doodles and the stuff from the lower tier. If I can get the funding, I would get whatever the paid plan is for Picarto to upload videos and record streams.

- $6 I want it to be fair and ultimately not overwhelming if a bunch people were to pick that one so I believe it'd be best to showcase my comic Wolf's Blood. It'd be preview pages and the actual comic itself well before the other tiers get it along with the general public. 

- $8 Is a stretch that I'm kind of debating not even using because I can't think of anything for it that would be balanced for both me and the person picking it. Votes count as 3? I don't even know if that's a thing. An even sooner viewing of the comic? I just don't know what would be financially fair so that's why for now, it's just a thought.  I'll keep you all updated on if I can think of something.

I'm going to go to bed, now. I'm going to check FA tomorrow and reply to what I can. I'm sorry if anyone here has commented or messaged me since I last uploaded, this took up the majority of my day. I'm hoping to finish the image by tomorrow night. Fingers crossed.

P.S. For those who might be curious. Commission Slots will officially open after I finish a few more pieces. I also need to update the price ref sheet with more up to date work.



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