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Fair warning, only like 2 of them have any real color and I missed a chunk of the later portion of this month. They're all at different stages of completion because once their day passed, I stopped working on it. The Shark is one of my favorites I've done in awhile, her name is Chelsea.

I'll be making three posts on the 31st, one for the last of the Inktober days, one for the Anatomy Sketches, and one text post to talk about what's going to happen from November onward. Really stressed and now that I'm thinking about it, that might be why I got so sick.

So I didn't work on these beyond their designated days. Some I had the motivation to do it that day and others I struggled. On like the 16th, I got pretty sick and then I was stubborn on the 19th because I didn't want to miss any more days and I pushed that day(really bad idea btw), and then got really sick for like over a week and a half. I missed a lot of days. Still kind of feel like trash, too. I'll put up the anatomy sketches on the 31st. I'll still be doing the 29th-31st for Inktober prompts. For now, I'm going to go lay down and try and rest.

Inktober Dropbox Link 



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