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The past few hours have been a bit of a downward spiral that just seems to be getting worse. We took our dog in to the emergency vet tonight. We're waiting for answers, I'm having a hard time focusing on anything really. In a silly way I wonder if this is like some cosmic joke I'm just never meant to understand. It's like every time I try to just keep pushing forward, I'm tested again and again. I tried to change my mindset, stay positive and it feels like I’m getting beat down harder and harder for even trying to. This year has been rough on everyone but everyone has their limits and I wasn't already at a great spot. We were supposed to move, settle someplace nice, go to school, maybe start a little family. Instead, we get burned savings, a burned state, dead family members, friends lost, and it's just getting tiresome to slap on this healthy “I've got this, the world may be burning but I'll keep trudging through mentality” It’ll push me one step closer to that edge, I swear to whatever thing is up there, if this stupid loveable goofball of a dog dies tonight, what little hope and spirit I have will die with him. My wife loves this dog. He's her emotional support animal, he helps her get through some days. He and our little senior help get us out of bed in the morning. Real talk? If anything happened to our dogs or especially my wife. Well, that'll be it. I'll throw up everything I have to post and call it. But for now? We'll spend the money we really don't have to keep Jax alive. I'm frustrated and just really needed to vent. I'm tired but can't sleep because well, we really just need answers to if he's going to be okay. I'm sorry if this woke anyone. Stay safe out there.


Update (2 hours later):

So we have him back, he had x-rays done, cross referenced by a specialist(but haven't heard from them), given an injection of fluids into his shoulder tissue to counteract any dehydration he might have had from the retching/choking/vomiting. We were given multiple medications to give him, one to help GI ulcerations, and another for vomiting/nausea(it's so late I can't tell if I spelled that right). Anyway, we're out over eight hundred dollars but Jax is alive and looking like he is going to be okay. We still haven't heard back from the specialist, but can expect a call from them in the morning for further instruction. Either way, we'll be keeping a close eye on the turd. I'll still be working on things as usual, so you'll be seeing some stuff in the coming days. Thanks for sticking it out with me so far, everyone. I'm gonna crash now. Stay safe and have a good night.




I feel ya man, as a former dog owner, this feeling is gut wrenching, I also am going through some family shit atm, what with my grandma slowly having her life drained from her due to her age, then my parents getting sick, my dad getting the worst of it and we are hoping its not covid, just a lot of bad shit this year, and all I can say is stick close to those who can support you, they are your most cherished assets. Just keep strong man.


One thing I can tell you is that you should never give up when your best friend dies, your dog. I've been through 3 dog deaths already and I can tell you it REALLY sucks. But you can't ever let that stop you doing what you wanna do. You know why? Your dog wouldn't want you to, and would probably comfort you if you did. The greatest thing you'll have are the memories and the photos and stuff like that. BUT, since you're doggo is alive, keep thinking better than into despair because you never know how things will go, but I'm positive your dog will be good! 2020 is for sure the worst year for probably everyone. I've only had one family member close to me die and I can also say that they WOULDN'T want you to be down in despair. They would want you to be strong and keep moving forward to not ever give up. You just CAN'T give up. That's one of the rules of this world, don't give up and you can make it much better. Enough with the sad stuff, I hope your dog gets better and that things improve for you!


Thanks for the pep talk you guys, the past few days have kind of just sucked because it's mostly just been a lot of waiting while not being able to do anything to help him aside from keeping him up on his meds. He is getting better but I spent the past few days just really keeping a closer eye on him. He would get up and start hacking and choking, rolled over, would go into a coughing fit. If he got excited for whatever reason, he would suffer for it. Even after he ate or drank too. The specialist did get back to us, she told us he has symptoms of bronchitis and the stomach/throat irritation is most likely a result of the poor air quality we've had the past few weeks making it so the ash outside, dander or dust inside, and all other junk in the air may have just accumulated too much. Either way, he hasn't coughed in the past 24 hours so we have that going for us atm. I did work on some stuff yesterday, My week is just out of whack right now. I'll post an update after I finish up here. Again, I just want to say thanks. I'm glad everyone is still fighting through this mess of a year, and hopefully beyond whatever comes next. I hope you're all able to get that break we've all been deserving from the bs that's been plaguing everyone, whatever the hardships may be. I feel like I've been a zombie the past few days and it's time to get back to work now that things have stabilized. I wish you all the best. See you in the next post.