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So, yesterday was good AND bad. Good because I'm back and all this other just overall good stuff but bad because my dog had a, as I described it to my sister, "Long story short, $400 later, we have to inject liquid charcoal down Lucky's throat at 4 hour intervals after an unintentional mild poisoning mishap."

Lucky is our other dog, he's smaller and older. He is okay, it just scared us because he was accidentally given a medicine dose that was intended for our 50lb. boxer and Lucky is barely a 14lb. dog. Because we had to stay up a bit for the liquid charcoal doses and keep an eye on him, I stayed up a bit later than I should to get the Riju pic done. I woke up at like noon, my time. 

Moving Forward

This is the kind of week I hope I can get to be the norm.

I'll be having off days for Friday and Saturday

I'll be posting the anatomy drawings every Saturday morning.

Posting the weekly calendar on Sunday

Work on one project at a time every other day.


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