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I'm back and I feel really great. Actually, I haven't felt this great in like years. I'll admit, about the first five days were the toughest to get myself to actually stop working on things here and there. 

I was organizing the files I have for the anatomy doodles I do, I want to get back to doing at least three a day. I was trying to figure out what specific pics I wanted to finish when I got back. I was working on fonts for the site to try and make them easily readable... The point is it took some time for me to really step back and just relax. 

But once I did, wow. I started exercising with my wife. I laid out in the sun like a lizard. I doodled in some sketchbooks, I cleaned house, I cleared out my wardrobe, I watched a few series I've been meaning to catch up on, I recorded some let's plays, I played Bioshock. I cooked some new things. I caught up a bit on my Japanese. I took some math courses. I read books. I did some photography with my camera. I started sleeping better. We got new furniture, I got a new desk, and we had to put it all together ourselves. I celebrated my parent's birthdays. My brother has one coming up on the 7th, I believe, but now my dad has me thinking it's the 8th but he's not sure either but we'll figure it out. 

The point is, I'm not saying I'm cured of my depression, or anything like that, but I feel actually well rested. I feel okay, like legitimately okay. I'm not tired all the time. The break was really nice but I'm really just excited to be back. 

I'm going to be shifting how I approach my work and how I go about it on a daily basis. So in the morning, I want to get at least do a basic warm up, get three anatomy sketches done, and then get started on something and see it through to the end. So I'll be working on Riju today and try to get the legs to look the way I want them to. 

The day is just getting started but I wanted to give you all an update and I wanted to say thank you for sticking with me. I better get to work. See you all tomorrow!

P.S.  My wife starts school this month and I'll be starting in October. She also did some color work herself, I'll upload it when we can transfer it from her computer. 



glad to hear things have been turning up for you, hope to see what you bring to us in the future, very happy for ya man ^^