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So I'm kind of figuring out what I can and can't do in a month's time. Between balancing online classes, work, my home life, and this, I feel like I don't get a lot of spare time and on top of that I'm falling behind.

With that in mind, I'll be using this month to catch up on some things. It won't have a lineup but I'll be getting up the pieces I haven't finished yet. I don't want it to be July and me still doing Left Overs posts. 

Lineups will go down in quantity but up in quality. Alts will become the norm again. I know I haven't spoken much about the comic in awhile but I have been working on that on the side during a few brief moments. Also, sometime later this month I'll sit down and fix all my damn tags since I fell of the wagon for that, too.

I was looking back on my posts and realized just how many WIPs get posted and I wanted to dial back on the spammy-ness of that. I liked the concept of all the current works for the month being updated on one pic. It gives you guys the chance to see what i'm working on since I like to hop around as I work. 

As for Wolf's Blood(the comic):  Right now, I'm focusing on turnarounds for my characters for reference and continuity. The turnarounds will be 16 frames each, and there are 10 characters. I have a mini storyboard of sorts that shows 25 pages per sheet. The script for the comic has been fully rewritten for the first arc and I'm tweaking it as I do the storyboard since what's written won't directly translate to a single panel. Using this method, I'm on page 76, it's really rough right now but it's the best way for me to make progress on the project. I won't be showing updates for that stuff unless people ask for it, since it's more of a pet project.. I'm bad with words. I posted the template with the cleaned up borders of the panels that I have for the first 25 pages.


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