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A preview, this frame will take a bit more to be finished. I feel more confident about doing backgrounds now but it's still difficult.

PS: Is someone recognizable there? -w-



Max Freeman

Is that Ace was Dog Cty I see? It's a short-lived T.V show


I was going to mention it was Ace. I was going to have to look up his name but than I saw that the first comment already mentioned it. It is great that you added him. Even more so as it looks like he is continuing his 4th wall breaks as it looks like he is looking directly at the viewer. I also enjoy the scene. It looks amazing as they built right next to a mountain side. It is very scenic. Nice work.


Yes, Ace Hart. just a reference of a show from my childhood ;-)


Yes, it's Ace Hart ^^. I loved the show when I was a kid and it's probably one of the things that introduced me to the furry world.


I always love how you do architecture.