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I had a few struggles in this until I feel the poses look good and natural but I confess that I really like then in the end, specially Nobu and Matt. In other hand Lug is so tall that having him in the scene make the perspective look strange sometimes =P

PS: Don't worry they are leaving for now, they will interact better further in the chapter -w-



Max Freeman

I bet that Theo will hurt them if they get flirty with his man; Matt and Nobu looked relieved that it could've gone wrong. Hopefully, they can control their urges when he’s around in later chapters. I actually feel bad for the two cause now Daddy will stop at nothing to get his pup what he desires. Theo on the other hand hopes they will never meet again after knowing their intention.


I hope the next pages clarified how the character feel (apparently) for each other ;-) But don't Worry Matt and Nobu are good guys, and Theo is only childish but he won't hurt anyone =P

Max Freeman

I agree, and I know they respect Lug’s wishes; they are sexually attracted to him. If Theo want them to lay off, maybe this is his first boyfriend and wants nobody to try to fuck him first him (I think). Even so, maybe Theo will come around soon; best wishes. While Lug knows Theo is in love with him and still being in school, he doesn't want to break his heart.


😵‍💫Me cuesta entender el significado del símbolo en la parte de atrás de su suéter (😥es una pena que no sea sin mangas). Parece el ritual de paso con la lechuza sacerdotisa, el anillo del amanecer, ¿estas dos estrellas fugaces representan la independencia / fidelidad de su matrimonio o la Anunciación de su liberación a su pareja?🤔


😨y ¿por qué la flecha atraviesa al pájaro?😱


👑y podemos ver que el gorro esconde la corona real. ¡Ah! Me equivoqué, es un ojo en lugar de un anillo de aurora.😅


La imagen del suéter es literalmente la representacion del espíritu protector de su ciudad. Ellos la llaman "la corona del creador" y esa sería su representación alegórica.


This makes me really excited to see what happens next!