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Those are the result from the last poll. As you can see the most voted characters for the next mini comic are horses, then my original chars, and then The lion King chars. Other specific but yet popular requests involve Guilmon and Leomon.

With that being said the main characters for the next easy going "playful" comic will be a horse and probably my OC Nobu in some kind of spin-off. Even so I was thinking on doing probably one page comics using the other most voted chars while I define the style for the next comic, so there are be more TLK pictures and probably some gags using my chars or digimons yet to come ^^

Thank you.




Nice! Can't wait to see em


I don’t remember seeing your poll but I rather like the puppy stuff. But I like horses too so can’t wait to see how it turns out


Oh well I guess just saying. It’s great

Alizar Kazam

Sweet! Us hossies for the win! 🐴


Ahhh! Time to rejoin to see the TLK and horsie overload coming!


Dax is my favorite horse of yours!


The character isn't mine, so I won't be able to use it.


I'll use a random horse probably, to make him act just as I need for the comic situation and avoid possible problems.


Well, horses are definitely a great option, I' m glad that the main characters of the next comic will be horses


The picture behind the poll is very cute!


Darn, I have a thing for Simba… but horses are good too


Oh yeah. Horsey comics. That’s great ^^