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Check out my other reactions here - https://rebrand.ly/uahmhxi

You can check out the full reaction here - https://ln5.sync.com/dl/6634690f0/5s6d24ru-2hfkbjhs-qht3zgcb-aw7znnnb


Dune with Magy Full Reaction

✔ Magic Magy For the Fans(+FoxyLaura) - https://linktr.ee/magicmagy ✔ Magic Magy Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/magicmagygirl/ ✔ Twitch account - https://twitch.tv/magicmagytv For full REACTIONS - https://www.patreon.com/magicmagy Anime Channel - https://youtube.com/@magicmagyanime ✔ Foxy Laura - https://linktr.ee/foxylaura Become a member for early access/reactions - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu_2A3bWj40Lzx3etRFnt8g/join


Steve Pool

Magy/Laura, Frank Herbert wrote the original Dune novel in 1965 (5 sequels followed), and it was an inspiration for George Lucas in the creating of the Star Wars movies. I'm sure you noticed the all star cast: Tim Chamalet (Wonka) as Paul Atreides, Josh Brolin (Thanos), Stellan Skarsgard as the Baron (Erik Selvig), Oscar Isaac (Moon Knight), Javier Bardem (Skyfall), Rebecca Ferguson (MI 5 & 6), Zendaya (MJ), J. Mamoa & others. Denis Villanueve is the director and he is a cinematographic genius and has made Arrival and one of my favorites, Blade Runner 2049. Glad you enjoyed it, your reactions were tops👍.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned this but Star Wars took a lot of ideas from Dune to the point where the writer of Dune seriously considered sueing Star Wars