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Check out my other reactions here - https://rebrand.ly/uahmhxi

You can check out the full reaction here - https://ln5.sync.com/dl/c78a8cb60/8mk9fubn-c5s243p4-rrq5esxc-ykvbfn6v


Loki 2x1 with Magy Full Reaction

✔ Magic Magy For the Fans - https://linktr.ee/magicmagy ✔ Magic Magy Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/magicmagygirl/ For full REACTIONS - https://www.patreon.com/magicmagy ✔ Foxy Laura - https://linktr.ee/foxylaura Become a member for early access/reactions - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu_2A3bWj40Lzx3etRFnt8g/join



You and Laura should watch "Abbot And Costello Meet Frankenstein" for your Halloween scary movie watch.

Martin Bech

Did Magy stop reacting to this series? This episode got me all hyped for the season. :(

Steve Pool

Hi Magy, I enjoyed your full reaction even more than the YT reaction because it's 30 mins of pure Magy. I'm sure you will finish up season 2 as time permits. I appreciate much more now how busy you are that I'm a member of your communities. I will not spoil anything for you, but will be here to answer your questions after each episode. Fasten your seatbelt. Things are about to get very wibbly wobbly with the story and time. and believe me, I needed plenty of help to get my head on straight after each ep. Oh yes, based on your wrap up comments at the end of the ep, your instincts on where this is going are "spot on." By the way, the actor playing O.B. is from the movie Everything Everywhere All at Once. 🧲✨💕

Marcus Carter

I hope Magy comes back to this series, considering what's coming in Deadpool 3, it's going to be a insane movie, and it heavily involves the TVA and beginning of the Secret Wars Saga.

Marcus Carter

This season was by far the best out of all of the Disney plus series, ironically, it's underrated because no one expected it to be great, turned out to be one of the best.