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You can check out the full reaction here - https://rebrand.ly/uahmhxi




Hi Magy/Laura. Ray here. This is such a beautifull and action packed show.. im going to enjoy this journey.. I also left a message for you two, with a few movie Recommedations👍.. Keep up the amazing videos. Much ❤❤❤ Ray.


You are so strange? They still do normal movies, that doesn’t get in the way, to try also something new. You are paying to see the full reactions of what they are watching. Some stuff won’t be on your taste and it is normal.

Sergio Moreno

I’m happy you and Laura are gonna react to Demon Slayer. You girls will love it


Yes,you talk nonsense


The music, the art, the voice actors, the plot ... everything is amazing about this anime. It's so good that they will include it in Japan schools. The movie about "Demon Slayer" was projected in Japanese cinemas and beat all-time records of movies in any genre, ever.