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For the full reaction including the Movie you can download the full reaction torrent:

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How to use torrents - https://rebrand.ly/3d808e

If you want to use Google Drive which includes the movie - https://rebrand.ly/uahmhxi


The Lord of the Rings The Two Towers Full Reaction

For full REACTIONS - https://www.patreon.com/magicmagy Become a member for early access/reactions - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu_2A3bWj40Lzx3etRFnt8g/join ✔ For my Only Fans - https://linktr.ee/magicmagy ✔ My Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/magicmagygirl/ ✔ Ellie Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/ellielandgo ✔ Discord - https://discord.gg/jmJ8btd


Rob Benjamin

Yaaaaay! Will watch this today!! Thank you Miss MAGnificent! 😀

Hectors Simp

Does anyone else’s good drive say movie file is not loaded yet? Got posted about 3 hrs ago and wont load for me 🥺


Same here. I think she will have to upload again. It says unsupported file type. Same issue as Dark Knight Rises.

Matthew B

I downloaded it from google drive and it worked fine. That was just now though so maybe try again

London Celt

Love these movies, the battle of helms deep is epic as hell, looking forward now to the conclusion


I love all the films, but this one is probably my favourite - so many things get me no matter how often I watch it. The last march of the Ents, Theoden grieving for his son, Sam's speech at the end... Some parts of your reaction are just too good not to mention. Like Saruman says "The world of men will fall" and immediately you just say "No!" with so much conviction! And then Theoden as they're leaving Edoras says "This is not a defeat." And you say "It looks like a defeat..." Just couldn't help but laugh! You notice so many things going on and remember so many details (and that's on top of having to react to it at the same time). It really shows me how captivated by these movies you are, which is awesome. So many ground-breaking things here, not the least Gollum, one of the most realistic cgi major characters we had ever seen (and still holds up, 20 years later), with incredible voice and motion-capture work by Andy Serkis. The thing about LOTR, is that there is always an answer to almost any question in the books, because Tolkein basically created the entire world and it's history before he finished writing them. In brief, Aragorn is still a man, but he is from a very special bloodline of men who live longer and are purer of heart than other men. The men of Gondor are from the same bloodline (like Boromir and Faramir), but Aragorn is of royal blood, so he has more of those traits. The last one will give you a lot more feels, guaranteed :)

Rob Benjamin

I just finished watching the reaction! And yes, my goodness, it was such an amazing reaction to such an amazing film! I agree with crawlie's comments... Magy, your remembrance of details is one of the many things I really appreciate about your reactions the most. Crawlie pointed out some good one moments of your remembrance of details, but I'll add another one as well: When Lady Galadriel started telepathically talking to Lord Elrdond, you remembered that the first few phrases she mentioned, were the same phrases she used in the beginning of The Fellowship of the Ring when she was starting to tell the history of The Rings. Very, very good memory you have! I love that! And of course, this memory for details in addition to your empathy and heart are what I appreciate the most. So thank you for continuing the LOTR series. These give me great joy!

Rob Benjamin

I agree, that battle was super epic! One of my favorites to see in movie cinema!


Oh I see - yup downloading it works fine. I usually just play it through the Drive app without downloading. That's still not working, but at least I can download and watch, thanks for that tip! ✌️


Great reaction Magy! Something you might not know: the actor who plays Gimli, Jonathon Rhys-Davies, is also the voice of Treebeard.

Tobias Panhorst

Is it possible that it's not processed yet ? Because I get the same message from yesterday

Kosmas Molntovan

Great reaction :D I love this movie and I'm glad to see you liked it too. However!!! you've seen nothing yet! can't wait for your reaction to the 3rd one.


I am so happy that you really got in to this story line and can't wait until you see the last part - read the books in high school and again twice in the US Marines were I got the rest of my unit into it, I gotten the paperback copies, read a chapter sliced it out and pass it to a buddy, a few days later found out that they passed on to the next guy and so on so on - nothing much to do when you in a fighting hole waiting for a few hours or days - even got the Captian into it and think he used his rank to jump the line some too lol


Elrond's determination that Arwen go to Valinor with the rest of the elves is built on more than just the obvious fear of losing her. In fact, Elrond had a twin brother, Elros, who many centuries ago gave up his immortality to be with his beloved. Together, Elros and his wife became the first rulers of Numenor, the kingdom of the High Men. Elrond fears losing yet another member of his family to mortality. It's worth noting also that Viggo Mortensen had many close calls on the set of Lord of the Rings. In "Fellowship", the scene where he had a dagger thrown at him was very nearly disastrous. The actor who played the leader of the Uruk-hai was meant to merely swing the dagger and then a digital one was to be added in post-production. However, there was a bit too much fake blood on his hands and the dagger slipped from his grasp and went flying at Viggo, who was forced to actually deflect the blade to keep it from hitting him in the face. Similarly, in this film, the floating on the river scene nearly ended in disaster when Viggo was sucked under the water at a fork in the river. He got caught under a submerged stone outcropping and barely managed to get loose. He later admitted this was the closest he had ever come to dying on a film set. Just thought you might find that interesting, Magy. Glad you're enjoying the movies as much as we're enjoying your reactions! Looking forward to "Return of the King".