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Game of Thrones 6x10 Full Reaction

For full REACTIONS - https://www.patreon.com/magicmagy Become a member for early access/reactions - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu_2A3bWj40Lzx3etRFnt8g/join ✔ For my Only Fans - https://linktr.ee/magicmagy ✔ My Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/magicmagygirl/ ✔ Ellie Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/ellielandgo ✔ Discord - https://discord.gg/jmJ8btd


Aodhan McWilliams

Episode 9 and 10, the best episodes in game of thrones history


I disagree. I think The Children, the season 4 finale is the best.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-25 01:08:19 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xaspBsfgRg&t=0s Now that you have finished S6x10 you have to watch and react to this YouTube video entitled R+L = J (there are no spoilers passed S6x10). It is an excellent video compilation of Jon Snow's parents.
2021-07-19 16:10:31 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xaspBsfgRg&t=0s Now that you have finished S6x10 you have to watch and react to this YouTube video entitled R+L = J (there are no spoilers passed S6x10). It is an excellent video compilation of Jon Snow's parents.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xaspBsfgRg&t=0s Now that you have finished S6x10 you have to watch and react to this YouTube video entitled R+L = J (there are no spoilers passed S6x10). It is an excellent video compilation of Jon Snow's parents.


Sorry I am not very familiar with Discord. Hopefully this message finds you well and you are able to watch and react to this video before Season 7.

London Celt

Wow is right. This and ep 9 are probably the best of the series, this one was insanely good!

Nigel A Rojo

The reason Varys is back is because some time has passed (it's like a month later,) and if you look at the sails of the ships, there are Tyrell and Dornish and Greyjoy sails, so he brought back their navies. And yeah, the beginning alone could have been most of a whole episode.


You are correct. Jon is Lyanna’s and Rhaegar’ child. Lyanna asked Ned to protect Jon because Robert would’ve killed Jon if he knew Jon was Rhaegar’s son. This also makes Daenerys Jon’s aunt.


The book series is called "The Song of Ice and Fire", after this episode it should be clear why.


Yup you’re right. Jon is a Targaryen and not a Stark. Ned was an honorable man thru and thru. What a season for Jon! Starts off dead, gets resurrected, meets up with Sansa and becomes. King in the North! Epic! It was delightful to see you so happy about Jon becoming King. Last season you were so sad and mad after episode 10, This year you’re all smiles. This was a good year for most of our favorite characters except for Hodor, Margaery and Loras. Ramsey and Walder “pervert” Frey are finally dead. Now things can only get crazier right? I hope you watch and react to the youTube video. R+L= J. before you start Season 7. I’d love to see your reaction to that one.


Yeah she would be his Aunt I guess you can say, lol you're very perceptive and pick up on your notes!


I've watched quite a few people do first time reactions to this episode and you did so well stopping the video and putting the pieces together! It was fun to watch you connect the dots and enjoy this episode :)

Prof Moff

Actually incorrect Dano. Jon is as much Stark as Targaryen. Fact is Jon is still a bastard. Rhaegar was married to the Martell princess. BUT it now makes sense why Ned was so cryptic about Jon to Jon about Jon's mum. The fact is though; Stark blood (Ned's) DOES run through Jon, just as a nephew.


Well, I assume you have seen all of season 7, i have. we are all just as much as our mother as our father. Jon has Targaryen and Stark blood, of course I know that. i was merely acknowledging Magy’s realization of Jon’s parentage.


At 16:35 when you say "Is she planning to blow all of them?" what you should actually say is "Is she planning to blow all of them up?" I wouldn't normally correct you over something so minor, but saying "blow all of them" would usually be understood as a sexual act... Just letting you know so that you don't say something innocently and have someone else think you mean it the other way 😉

Donovan Sparks

The reaction on you face upon the realization of Jon's true mother was priceless. THIS is why I love watching your reactions!

ramon carter

thats top 3 but cant beat 6=10 but season 4 is the best season overall


Context matters. No, Cersei standing in the Red Keep is not planning to perform oral sex on all of the people in the Sept of Baelor. And Magy will never in her personal life have to wonder if someone is going to detonate bombs.


Wtf is wrong with you? Someone delete his post


Obviously context matters, which is why it was obvious what she meant. There are tons of different contexts when you might say "blow up" in your personal life though (it's not just used to refer to bombs detonating, and even then I wouldn't rule out using it in your personal life because you could be talking about fireworks, a building demolition, etc.) and I'm just trying to make sure Magy doesn't embarrass herself by saying "blow" when she means "blow up".




What a moron






You’re a dick seriously. I don’t get why some people have to go and spoil the experience for everyone.


It says the video does not excist @magicmagy :(


She's still watching the show man. Please consider deleting this spoiler post.


I get what you’re saying, but the way you worded it was wrong. Jon is also a Stark. He’s both.


This information is still a SPOILER. Delete this comment. This is not discovered in the show yet!


None of the links are working


wassup w/ the video my homies???


None of her content is showing I think. They all say “sorry this video does not exist.


Vimeo has hit Magy and the Homies with a 10x cost increase demand for hosting, which is basically extortion. So they'll have to come up with a new host ASAP. On the Homies, they've switched to Torrents and Google Drive.