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Lucifer 2x4 Full Reaction

For full REACTIONS - https://www.patreon.com/magicmagy Become a member for early access/reactions - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu_2A3bWj40Lzx3etRFnt8g/join ✔ Magy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/magicmagygirl ✔ Ellie Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/ellielandgo ✔ Discord - https://discord.gg/jmJ8btd


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Lady Parts- Thank you for coming back with another great reaction of Lucifer for us!! Once again... I enjoy this episode, mostly for its humor that comes from Lucifer acting like such a child while he's trying so hard to keep himself distracted throughout the entire episode so he doesn't have to think about his worries involving his decision to allow his mother to stay on Earth, as well as for the humor that comes from the girls' and boys' night out. Now... while Lucifer may have initially set Chloe up to fall into ladies' night upon making a wager with Maze, I do believe that a part of him really did genuinely want to help Chloe find it in herself to loosen up so she wasn't always working and so uptight. He certainly didn't mean to hurt her. Lucifer cares about her and wants her to be happy. He just really goes about helping her the wrong way, and it comes back to bite him in the end when Chloe becomes extremely angry with him when she finds out the real reason behind Maze inviting her out. And while Maze was faking it at first, she ended up having a great time too, and yes... Linda and Ella were there for a fun time with Chloe and Maze. They were definitely genuine. Girls' night out was a set up, but it definitely winds up being real for everyone involved. And I really like this a lot. I love the friendships developed between these four very different women, each of whom I love throughout this show. :) As for the girls' night out scenes between Maze, Chloe, Linda, and Ella... adorable. Normally, I don't find it funny when people get themselves drunk even on TV or in movies. And certainly never in real life, but it can be funny if a drunk scene within a movie or a TV show is done well, and seeing the girls all except for Mazikeen getting drunk due to her being unable to get drunk because she's a demon... this scene was written and performed really well between each of them. They're all hilarious and adorable. I especially enjoy seeing them all get into the fight with the rest of the Tiki bar's patrons. And Maze sure can kick butt. I love seeing her fight. Fantastic! Oh... and seeing them perform karaoke was a lot of fun as well. And both Ella and Linda are adorable too. I love it when the ladies all admit a secret as a way of bonding with one another, and I find it very interesting that Ella admits to once having been someone who stole cars in her younger days... a story that I would absolutely be very interested in learning more about. I also really love that while drunk, there had been a brief half hour Chloe couldn't actually remember, in which time she seemingly appears to have made a deal with Maze so that they would come to move into a new place together, along with Trixie. I love it! I love the idea of Chloe, Trixie, and Maze becoming roommates, and seeing at first just how uncomfortable the idea makes Lucifer too. :) Boys' night out is of course a lot of fun too. Lucifer is always hilarious, and again... while I don't care to see people acting drunk, drunk Amenadiel is pretty funny. And I love how Lucifer, Dan, and Chloe, as well as the bartender even, pick on Dan for him standing out as a cop, which he does. I especially love the moment Lucifer chuckles when the bartender calls Dan out on being a cop, as Dan immediately shuts him up before Lucifer can mock him further. So, so funny. Lucifer, Dan, and Amenadiel, and the actors who play these characters play off one another really well, so these scenes during their boys' night out is pretty hilarious too. As for Lucifer throughout this episode... while he constantly continues to try to avoid his issues and fears in regards to his biggest decision to allow their mother to stay on Earth through his constant distractions, you can tell that he's still really struggling with his decision, especially after Amenadiel points out that by him going against their father, it could wind up costing Chloe her life instead, since her life is what Lucifer asked their father for, supposedly in exchange for sending their mother back to Hell. Because God might feel like taking back his end of their deal. I feel that while Lucifer might not have initially understood what was making him feel so worried enough to cause him to have to keep needing to distract himself from said worries... that a part of Lucifer already was fearing the consequences of his decision. But of course, instead of dealing with his worries and allowing himself to face them, he chooses to keep himself distracted so that he doesn't have to think about his fears. Because this is what he does, and has done a lot throughout his entire existence. He's not good at facing his own internal problems and if there's one person he lies to, it's definitely to himself. Unfortunately, in the end we possibly see the consequences of Lucifer's refusal to do as is asked of him when Chloe's is in a car accident as a car suddenly strikes her from out of nowhere. So not good. But we know how much Lucifer truly cares about Chloe, and he is also desperate to mend his relationship with his mother as well. A part of him also understands her because they both have been cast out of Heaven by God and were cast into Hell, which is why I feel a part of him also needs to protect her. So, I can absolutely understand why he's finding it so hard to deal with the choices he's made in regards to the deal he's made with God. And in the end, you can see from the look of absolute fear in his eyes and on his face once Amenadiel really helps him to understand what could happen to Chloe if he continues to refuse to return their Mom to Hell, and Lucifer is very, very scared of the consequences. And he's terrified for Chloe. I feel so bad for Lucifer. As for the overall case... it's a bit weak, as well as kind of obvious who the real killer is once she's introduced. Thankfully, the case is fairly minimal throughout the episode. It's always most definitely the characters and their stories that makes this show so amazing, and not the majority of the cases. In most episodes throughout this show, the cases are typically weaker, or at least weaker than the real storylines going on for each of the characters. Although... there are certainly exceptions too. Some episodes have really interesting and amazing cases. :) But with that being said... I absolutely love the immediate look of fear and rage in Lucifer's eyes in the moment the killer grabs Chloe and puts a knife to her throat upon threatening her. And his look remains as such until Chloe manages to fight the woman off. You can see how much he truly does care about Chloe. Then upon hearing Chloe shouting at the killer upon taking her down about how wrong it is to pretend to be friends with someone under false pretenses, you can see that he also comes to understand his mistake in making the wager with Maze, even though he never actually makes a point to say so. These are very subtle moments within this episode, but like I've said... Lucifer's facial expressions speak volumes and can say a thousand words. And this is one of my favorite moments in this episode as well. :) And in regards to the moment in the end between Lucifer and Maze when she asks him to poor her a drink... this is Maze's symbolic way of showing him that she is now separated from him and that she is her own woman. That she is now equal to Lucifer now that she's no longer working for him. And I love that Lucifer does truly come to understand and accept that Maze is his friend and an equal to him too. If he didn't, he wouldn't have poured her a drink. He cares about Maze like she cares about him. even if neither one of them knows how to express as such very well, if at all. Neither of them have ever been good at expressing anything. And understandably so, given who they really are and that they have lived in Hell for eons. I really love this! Overall... another fun episode and I really enjoyed your reaction for it like I always do. So thank you once again, Magy! I can't wait for the next ones!!! The next two episodes are among my favorite episodes within season two, so I'm very, very exited for them!!! Thank you, my friend! Sincerely, Heidi

Edward Olson

Patreon has one problem with their comments.

Edward Olson

You have to have 3 comments before it won't force you to scroll past one long one.

Rene Aavik

Indeed. They should make it like Youtube where you have to click a link to read longer comments than a few lines.