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X-Men Days of Future Past Full Reaction

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Adam Grunther

I honestly recommend watching the other movies. Logan is one of the greatest marvel movies ever made. Also, X-Men: Apocalypse has Quicksilver in his biggest role. The Deadpool movies are hilarious, but I seriously recommend watching Logan before you watch Deadpool 2.


She already seen deadpool

Aaron L

Damn you’re fast


There are 10 X-Men movies, 12 if you count the Deapool movies. They do not have the consistent goodness of the MCU, but they have their moments. There are basically 2 cast of characters, the original X-Men and X-Men 2, and then a soft reboot with the same characters, but younger actors, starting with X-Men First Class and Days of Future Past. The original actors reprise their roles in the new X-Men as their older characters--like Patrick Stewart as the older Charles Xavier. Wolverine is played by the same actor in all movies, and a couple of the movies are Wolverine stand alone movies. The next two movies you should watch, in my opinion, is the original X-Men from 2000 and then Logan from 2017--which is basically the first and last movies. In those 17 years, Wolverine was always played by Hugh Jackman, and Logan is the pinnacle of greatness for his character. I love the MCU consistently, and I love a lot in the X-Men. I think out of all the movies in X-Men and the MCU, Logan is the best by a mile. You may want to watch Apocalypses, since that is the next X-Men in what you started watching, and it has the best Quicksilver scene in all the movies.


I don't know if most people got it, but there is a significant Easter egg in this movie, and it "might" (but probably not) be explored in Wanda Vision. When Quicksilver finds out Magneto can control metal, he says, "My mom used to know someone who can do that." In the comics Magneto is Wanda and Quicksilver's father. That moment in your reaction is at 46:32.


Right now, fans can guess but no one can say for certain the impact X-Men Quicksilver will have on Wandavision and Marvel movies. Because Marvel Studios did not have control of X-Men in movies until now, and they know not all Marvel movie fans have seen X-Men, I cannot imagine Marvel is satisfied with X-Men movies' stories as they exist and bridge them into Marvel movie universe, and expect all their fans to adopt them suddenly. It would alienate those many people. The way Marvel played X-Men Quicksilver right now, it is more of an easter egg, a wink and a nod to knowing movie fans. This might end up being something very different than fans expect, but we will see soon what it all means. For now, Magy I think just enjoy these X-Men movies for what they are and don't worry yet about what are or are not any "connections" to Marvel movies/shows. I like First Class, Days of Future Past, most of The Wolverine, and Logan. X-Men 1 and 2 are decent too.


Yeah, I can't imagine they will bring in the X-Men already made franchises, but this could set up a bridge to multiverse so they can establish their own X-Men, Fantastic Four, etc brand.


Regardless of your opinion of the X-Men franchises, they mostly weren't financially successful juggernauts.


This movie was probably the second best X-men movie from the new ones (I like Logan more). However probably it's the best movie to know X-Men from the old movies and the new ones. You will understand Wolverine's relationship with Jean in the first 3 movies. The first 2 where pretty good, the 3rd wasn't that great. That's when they decided to reboot the franchise with X-Men first class and this one. After these they follow Apocalypse (the after credit scene you saw was a hint to it) Logan, and Dark Phoenix (which is probably the worst...)


There is so much this movie completely undid from the original X-Men movies, so if you do watch the originals nothing that happens in them really matters, although you'll understand a lot of the stuff that they talked about and showed in the memories. I would highly recommend that at some point you watch the movie Logan, as it's probably the best of the X-Men movies.


Magy, that’s great that you wanted to catch up with fans and try to understand more by watching these movies so quickly. Maybe this will enrich you’re viewing experience of Marvel stories, in some way.


So I just rewatched the original X-Men from 2000. Damn, that holds up well and is a beautiful introduction to the characters, their motives, the school, the whole mutant universe. I really hope you watch that and Logan.

Andrew Hogan

Lol, I guess everybody else beat me to the comments. If you enjoyed these characters then you should check out the others. There are a lot and it’s a big commitment, but you’ll probably get views from them. These movies weren’t the first movies made, but they are the beginning of the story of the characters. It’s not completely accurate from the comics, just like the Avengers movies, some is the same and some is changed. It’s fun watching you react to these, it’s like I’m watching them all over again. If you’d like any other suggestions on what to watch, let me know.

Andrew Hogan

If you want to watch them the same as everyone else did, in the years they came out the order is X-Men, X2, X-Men Last Stand, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, The Wolverine, X-Men: Apocalypse, Logan, and finally, X-Men: Dark Phoenix. There isn’t a lot more of Quicksilver, but the X-Men coming into the same universe as the Avengers is a huge deal for Marvel fans. I mentioned the other movies in one of you other reaction videos because they are trying to bring in a lot of the characters from those movies into the new Marvel movies. For instance the next Spider-Man and Doctor Strange movies are rumored to have older characters in them, so if you watch all of them, you’ll know what is going on. It’s a smart move on their part because now you have to watch them to understand everything. Other important movies to be aware of: Fantastic Four (3 movies), Original Spider-Man trilogy, Ghost Rider. There are a lot more but I’ll stop here.

Andrew Hogan

It might not be connected completely, but it does help in understanding the characters and the backstories. They’ve rebooted everything in the comics multiple times, but nothing makes sense unless you have a reference point.

Andrew Hogan

Of course you started with Spidey, you’re a romantic. You will really enjoy them, same with Wolverine, deep down he’s a big teddy bear. Have you chosen a favorite super power yet?


Magy thanks for the reaction, I really hope you watch the 2017 Logan movie, this is a top movie)


Nice, I'll wait for the next reactions And thanks for the answer :)

Doug Watson

Hey Magy look! It's Tyrion Lannister!!