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Joker Full Reaction

For full REACTIONS - https://www.patreon.com/magicmagy Become a member for early access/reactions - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu_2A3bWj40Lzx3etRFnt8g/join Check my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/magicmagygirl/



Hello magy !! You change your hair.

Andrew Hogan

Ahhh, poor innocent Magy. Not exactly a Marvel movie, lol. Just so you know, the kid that Arthur visited at the house and was in the alleyway in the last part of the movie coming out of the movie theater was named Bruce. His father was Thomas Wayne, which makes him Bruce Wayne, or Batman. The actor that played Joker was Joaquin Phoenix and he’s a well respected actor and he’s a little quirky. He was one of the actors that was supposed to be Doctor Strange. Yes this movie was new and a little controversial because it almost condones violence. It slightly parallels certain recent events or anytime a large group of people feel oppressed.

Shawn Mayberry

If you don't happen to have an intimate familiarity with mental illness (not saying you don't) sometimes people can be confused/shocked by all the madness. Like when he climbs into the refrigerator, that was so relatable to me. And the casual everyday suicidal thoughts. Can't count how many times I climbed into a trashcan or wedged myself in a closet or empty fridge trying to hide from the world and my uncontrollable twitches. Access to mental health services is SO important, people have no idea. Also I'm not sure if you know but Bruce Wayne is Batman (Thomas Wayne's little kid), so it was a subtle origin story type thing they showed at the end. I don't know anything about superheroes but I thought that was neat.


Hi Magy, great reaction ! It would be great if you could react to the dark knight trilogy, It is about Batman and the Joker in the second film.


Look at all he did he caused all that mayhem all that chaos all that madness all around the city of Gotham, those clowns are HIS CLOWNS 🤡, there are people who are causing riots and wearing clown masks and clown make up in his image, those clown masks REPRESENT HIM!, do you know how Marvel has the avengers going on in their universe, well look what’s happening in the DC Universe there are clowns causing riots and mayhem everywhere and it’s all because of him, this one simple man with mental illness and whose daytime job as a clown caused all of that. AWESOME REALLY I LOVE 🔵🔵🔵DC 🔵🔵🔵🃏🃏🃏 👎 boo🔴🔴 MARVEL!!!🔴🔴

Patrick Anderson

This was one of those films where It had a standing ovation at the end. I had hoped we'd all be chanting Joker...Joker....Joker... but I guess people arent ready for that. 🤡