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Star Wars 2.mp4



Again love your reaction to Star Wars. I don't know if you plan on watching anything past the movies but if you do I would watch the animated series Clone Wars as you really see the story of Anakin fleshed out more. Then watch Rebels and then The Mandalorian. Only because there are a lot of characters and easter eggs in the Mandalorian from the animated shows.

London Celt

First time in a while I've watched this one, actually am a fan of it, some great moments, proper fan service, and sets up episode 3 well. You're not ready!


I'm glad you loved Episode II because a lot of people hate it. It's always been one of my personal favorites. If you were a bit confused by the story don't worry, this episode was meant to be like a mystery. After you watch Episode III I'll explain more but I don't want to spoil anything. I'll answer some of your other questions though: Yoda trained Dooku, Dooku trained Qui-Gon and Qui Gon trained Obi-Wan so yep, you were correct about that. Anybody can be a Jedi, boy, girl, alien, it doesn't matter. No, Jedis can not get married which is why they did it in secret. They are actually forbidden from forming any personal attachments with people, which is why Jedi are supposed to start very young. That is why they didn't want to train Anakin in Episode I and said he was too old. Please do the next one soon!

Christoffer Nilsson

i dont know if you noticed but when anakin was telling padme that he killed all the men.. women and children the theme of Darth vader was playing :)

Mr. Writhms

I never thought that was fair. He wasn't Darth Vader yet. In fact, he was still loyal to the Jedi at that point.


Well its still the Republic, but when the Senat launched the Star Destroyers, its the Imperial march. So yh using familiar music and referencing to IV, V, VI


Hello enjoy your reaction. Couple of thing that you seem to miss while watching When Anakin and Padme visit his mom new home that the home Luke grew up in and his step brother and girlfriend are Luke's uncle and aunt at the beginning of episode 4. The little boy of the bounty hunter will become Boba Fett. The person that captured Hans Solo and took him to Jabba the Hutt

Jeff Mills

New Patreon subscriber here and I also subscribe to your YouTube channel. :) I'm loving these "Star Wars" movie reactions because it's like reliving them again and it's so cool when people get to experience the films for the first time. The next film, "Revenge Of The Sith", is the best of the prequels IMHO. I can't wait to see your reactions to that one and "The Force Awakens", "The Last Jedi", and "The Rise of Skywalker".

Jeff Mills

Magy, after you have watched all of the "Star Wars" films I highly recommend you watch "Spaceballs". You will love it!


I'm happy you enjoyed it. Love you reactions as always. You probably have a lot of questions but they will be answered in Episode 3. There is a whole cartoon and series about the Clone Wars. You don't need to watch it to understand the rest but it helps. Episode 3 is the conclusion of the Clone Wars.

Jeff Mills

There's a LOT of foreshadowing throughout these prequels. Without giving any spoilers away, that's al I'm going to say.

Jeff Mills

At the time they were making "Attack of the Clones", there were rumors that Leonardo DiCaprio would play Anakin. I wanted Ryan Philippe to play Anakin because I thought he would have been a great choice. He has that intensity and vulnerability I think would have been perfect, but he probably was too old then.


1:47:39 Bless you 🤧😂😂