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Kill Bill.mp4


Ryan Wills

I really, really enjoyed this reaction and can’t wait for the reaction to Volume 2! To answer your questions: 1. No - all the gore and blood was unrealistic and completely overdramatized on purpose. I think part of the point of that was in keeping with the overall stylization of the film; which was really an homage to earlier genres of martial art(s) cinema that the director grew up with (old Kung-fu movies, etc). This is also why so much of the fighting choreography was equally unrealistic and overdramatized. But choosing to go in that direction has the added benefit of kind of “dulling” the violence a bit...making it more cartoonish in some ways. In other words, it’s so over the top (the blood and violence) that most people don’t have the same tendency to be repulsed in the way they would normally if it was more realistic. 2. You’re not missing anything at all (story-wise) so far. Although there are two movies, they were really written as one piece. It had to be split in two because it would have been too long. So you’re definitely only getting part of the story in Volume 1. I think some of your confusion will be alleviated when you watch Volume 2.


Can't wait for you to see Vol 2, that was awesome, Tarantino is master in making amazing movies!


Magy, you are my favorite reactor and my first Patreon sub. Thank you for being so real. I can't wait to see your reaction to Vol. 2. When does that one come out? And correct me if I'm wrong; are you Israeli?


Hi and thank you very much. I am from Bulgaria :) Part 2 will be soon out!


The best most surprising final line in any movie.

Daniel R

This movie is so fucking bad ass

Lee Rose

This was awesome to watch with you Magy. The yellow tracksuit worn by The Bride when battling the The Crazy 88 is an homage to the classic Bruce Lee movie Game Of Death. Always loved this movie. Thank You Magy.