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How to use torrents - https://rebrand.ly/3d808e

If you want to use Google Drive which includes the movie - https://rebrand.ly/uahmhxi


Saving Private Ryan with Magy.mp4


Shawn Mayberry

That was really cool to hear your thoughts on this movie, not being into the genre. This is the first war movie I saw as a kid so it kind of made other war movies not as powerful as you can imagine. Can you believe it was made in 1998? Over 20 years ago! And it almost looks like they filmed it yesterday. Do you have a suggestion box? Or do you just do your own thing?


One of my favorite movies growing up. Deffinately one of the best movies of the 90's. If you did enjoy watching this move, I would recommend you watch We Were Soldiers made in 2002.

Wayne Michael

Love your reactions Maggy you should check out Pearl Harbor and Enemy at the gates