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Thank you all for the support these last 11 months!! As you all know this was our last month on Patreon due to video hosting problems with Vimeo I was having (still using Vimeo for now as I slowly re-upload all the content I’ve already posted… new content won’t be through Vimeo). I love each and every single one of you, I never expected to even receive as much love as I did doing this. I hope we can continue to watch exclusive content together for a long time!! The website is now up & running www.thatssokelvii.com It may take some time to gain access to the content as I am currently manually granting access (hopefully I’ve figured out how to make it automatic by the time you read this). The posting schedule will be the same as always and I plan on being more consistent with the Anime reactions 😅 with the addition of non-dramas (crash landing on you starting soon) as well as other Netflix reactions you guys recommend! Be sure to add your twitch/Discord usernames when you purchase your tiers, appreciate you all Kfam!! 🙌🏾❤️❤️



Should we cancel our Patreon plans and go through that website now?


this is dope!


just want to let you know that Heroes ep21 on the website still need password to access. I don't know if it suppose to be like that or not because other episodes seem no need the password.




Oh yay Kelvii! Congratulations! I’m so excited


Congratulations Kelvii see you on the website 💜