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These new rewards and rules start applying in July.

You get immediate access to All rewards from Early Access, plus:

Sneak Peeks:

You'll get even earlier hints of what content is coming up next on this Patreon, by getting access to sketches of comic pages from Moonlace or Bethellium, new pinup/illustrations or any other graphic work that is on the process of being created.


You can vote to decide upcoming content. The usual is to vote for which character is getting drawn next in pinups or illustrations. But you'll also be able to vote for different things depending on the ongoing projects and help stir the direction of the content being created here.

Hi-res commissions:

Also you'll be able to download other artwork not directly related to the ongoing comics, that me (ABD) create on a regular basis for commissioners and other projects around the world. I usually only post smaller watermarked versions of these works for the general public. But you as patron will get access to exclusive higher-resolution and non-intrusive-watermark versions of their public counterparts. Also usually delivered in PNG format or better, instead of the usual JPG format used at the public galleries.
  • Restrictions: Any content older than 6 months to the running month will be removed from this Patreon account. If you want to save any content generated here, try to save it during the month it was posted so you won't forget it.
  • Loyalty Reward: If you remain a patron during at least three months, after the payment of the third month goes through, you can come and contact me directly through any media (private message, comment, Discord, email, etc.) to request any content previously erased from this Patreon account. This includes any content previously erased that is a reward of your present pledged tier. Example: If you were a $2 patron during two months, but upgraded to $10 tier the third month, you can request for any old $10 tier reward. The same applies if you were $10 patron two months, but downgraded to $2 during the third.

Have issues locating your rewards?

Check the tutorial to correctly navigate this Patreon page.




Good to know. Also Holly is too adorable as always ;)