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As part of me reorganizing my Patreon, I'll create one post per tier, clearly explaining the tier's rules and rewards. Here you'll see appearing all old and new tiers. These new rewards and rules start applying in July.

Early Access:

Patrons on this tier get immediate access to: comic pages, illustrations and other additional content at least two months ahead the rest of the world. Also any NSFW content created here won't become public on Patreon and will remain exclusive to paying patrons.

Other rewards:

Additionally, you'll get access to specific polls and news that are exclusive to paying patrons, always staying ahead of the curve with new events, products and projects.
  • Restrictions: Any content older than 6 months to the running month will be removed from this Patreon account. If you want to save any content generated here, try to save it during the month it was posted so you won't forget it.
  • Loyalty Reward: If you remain a patron during at least three months, after the payment of the third month goes through, you can come and contact me directly through any media (private message, comment, Discord, email, etc.) to request any content previously erased from this Patreon account. This includes any content previously erased that is a reward of your present pledged tier. Example: If you were a $2 patron during two months, but upgraded to $10 tier the third month, you can request for any old $10 tier reward. The same applies if you were $10 patron two months, but downgraded to $2 during the third.

Have issues locating your rewards?

Check the tutorial to correctly navigate this Patreon page.



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