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As part of the Indiegogo Campaign rewards, there's a set of 5 enamel pins. We did reach that milestone, so here's a sneak peek of how these could look.

If you purchased one of the packs, be aware that the designs could potentially change depending on the requirements of the manufacturer. But I expect for these designs to be more or less what they appear in this picture.

Hope you like them!



Philly Okeechobee

These designs are just so lovely 🥰 If you ever get the chance to add these to your RedBubble store, Blue, I would absolutely buy them!

Blair G

whoa, these look really cool!


These should look really neat when made!

TM wolf

Gotta love how Zoana stands out in the middle with the differing colour scheme! x3


These are looking fantastic so far. <3


beautiful, really :)


Gorgeous pin design