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*Mature Content Warning. Explicit Scenes*

Early look at the next page of Memoirs. This should be finished in full color by the end of the month if nothing gets in the way for $10 patrons.

Click on the attachment to see the full page.

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Oh my. **blush** Very nice scene framing and pacing, ABD.


This answers a couple of questions I had. Species interfertility. So it appears only feline gene can successfully impregnate another feline gene. Also it appears she doesn't have a estrus cycle where she can only get pregnant while in heat but probably a reproductive cycle like humans. Though I could be completely wrong here. She could be in heat, hence her behavior (she totally has been steering him to this.) Maybe ABD can clarify this. If I am asking too much questions, let me know. I am a new Pateron and I am totally driven by story and settings so I wonder about things.


There are indeed some reproduction rules in Moonlace world. While in general all animas (anthropomorphic creatures in this world) have a similar reproductive cycle as humans, each species has specific variants of how it affects them. It's also true that different species have lesser chances of reproducing with each other. The percentage of sucess for interspecies reproduction can be as low as 20% in the most favorable conditions. Some of that will be explained in the future, I think :P


Thanks ABD. I enjoy understanding the underpinnings of a world. Old school RPGer who has played RPGs since 1974. I love world crafting and also love seeing the work of others. I look forward to seeing more of the Moonlace and Bethellium world.