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Coccoa won this month's pinup poll. I believe that's pretty clear, so I won't post the graphic this time. She won by like, a lot. So yeah, here she is!

As stated before, this is the first of the lingerie series that will include all my female characters in lingerie. We'll call it the Lingerie series for now.

This pic will have an alternative version exclusive for Patrons of $10+.

Hope you like it so far!




The look on her face = priceless. It just made me laugh my ass off. The look of, I hate this, ugh. It made my evening for sure.


A lingerie series sounds wonderful - love the idea! ^_^


Who doesn't a nice serving of Cocoa every now and then? <3


I don't know if she is unhappy wiith her hair right now or unhappy she has to pose. Either way, she is quite the beautiful 'pouty' girl. <3