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Was it worth it to fight for the closer parking spot? Yes, yes it was...

Let's repost these oldies for the newcomers. I plan on working again regularly on C-chan´s a Catgirl! soon. More about that soon!

You can also follow this comic on Tapas and Webtoons.

Hope you like it!



Major Matt Mason

I'm a firm believer in the Parking Gods. They are a nasty lot, and if they decide to give you a good spot, chances are the store is sold out of whatever you want to buy...

Lord Chaos

And as soon as you find a good parking spot a better one will appear.

Major Matt Mason

That, however, is a good omen. The Parking Gods reward getting a laugh at your expense, so your shopping trip will be a success.


Oh darn, guess the other driver's gonna have to get a little bit of a workout before...umm...getting a little bit of a workout...