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I apologize guys, for missing the first week of the month. As I explained before, my second child is due to be born pretty soon, around January 14th if everything goes alright. So as you can imagine, things at home are pretty messy and we'll be under some stress until the big day comes.

But I'll try to catch up as soon as possible and deliver as many rewards as possible under the circumstances. I'll most defintively catch up with everything and be back to normal on the month of February.

I'll also try to take advange of this month to try a couple of new rewards, so maybe not all is bad news, hehe.

In the meantime I apologize for the irregular posts. I hope I can count with your understanding during the following couple of weeks. I'll let you know more of stuff as time passes.

Thanks as always, for your support!



As I missed the original announcement, congratulations!


One step at a time, this is another big change so, take your time to adjust to it. ;) And congratulations !