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i need to figure out a better what to write these descriptions.  if i can find a good speech to text site i could just dictate what i want to say and do minimal typing 



David Ewell

Something about the tail in "meme croc" doesn't seem quite right...

David Ewell

Too high up her butt/backside. It's position should be like "lap lay'' to be correct with him to be to the left or right side of her tail. maybe her posture could be more like this dolphin morph... https://www.dropbox.com/s/ygcb4n7780fvrnu/1642940790.redraptor16_pose_2%20%27%27Want%20To%20See%20More...%27%27.png?dl=0 in any case some poses that work with humans won't work with anthros with big muscular tails (crocs, orcas, dinos, sharks, etc). You may have to adjust the humans position to accommodate the huge tail.