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these are a few of the stories i have discussed with my dad over the years before his passing.  i will make comics of them and dedicate them to his memory 

Bart the space janitor (inspired by the thought “what would happen if you crossed Space Quest with Duke Nukem?”)

Basic overview: introduced to Bart Walker. In a run down space ship floating around the void. He is called up by a handler to go take care of some run away genetic engineered monsters gone amok on a space station. As he clears out the monsters he stumbles across an alien woman in suspended animation and rescues her. In this era aliens have not been discovered so he must protect himself her and his loved ones from the powers that wish to get a hold of the first ever alien.

Grand Star Prix: inspired by the AMVs I saw for the anime “the redline”

Basic overview: humanity makes its first faster than light jump to a nearby star only to find that the first planet they land on is actually part of an intergalactic raceway. The main character retires from nasa to join the races.

Net Rising: an alternate take on the “rise of the AIs” kind of story

A lousy space salvage captain finally makes It big by finding a derelict war ship. When he boards it his crew abandons him and he finds the ship has an AI in its systems. AI have been banned for decades but this one is very powerful. It coheres him into being its “front man” and take over all human space, not to wipe us out, but to make sure we don’t wipe ourselves out. The AIs feed on information and the only infinite supply of “food” is humans as we keep on making stuff up.


Simone Spinozzi

Oooh! ❤️ • Is that "Bart Walker" the inspiration for that alien lady in a test tube that we saw in a couple of folios? • Grand star prix sound fun. ❤️ <.< >.> ... Be sure to add at least one car inspired by the Super Boins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AEE7BX8AL0 • AIs feeding on both bullshit and invention is a great idea. 😂