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Sandy's New Doo, Poll #1 - Style

  • Choppy 31
  • Bob Cut 50
  • Wavy 89
  • Punk 15
  • Curly Extensions 54
  • Wavy Extensions 150
  • 2023-12-05
  • —2023-12-10
  • 389 votes
{'title': "Sandy's New Doo, Poll #1 - Style", 'choices': [{'text': 'Choppy', 'votes': 31}, {'text': 'Bob Cut', 'votes': 50}, {'text': 'Wavy', 'votes': 89}, {'text': 'Punk', 'votes': 15}, {'text': 'Curly Extensions', 'votes': 54}, {'text': 'Wavy Extensions', 'votes': 150}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 10, 2, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 5, 20, 57, 31, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 389}


Well, it's time for you to vote on Sandy's new hair!

As I'm sure many of you know, hair can be a very emotional subject, and Sandy's new style is no exception. 💁🏼‍♀️

A couple notes:

  • I decided it was best to split the poll between style and color. Style is up first, and I created the examples with a blonde "default" color simply for ease of comparison.
  • You can vote for as many (or as few) of the styles as you'd like! I've also attached larger versions of the images to this post.
  • The poll for her new color will go up next week.

Yay! I'm excited to see the results. 😊




OMG Emory why you're doing this to me... you already know that I'm struggling with such polls... like 6 options gives me 16.667% for each of them... BECAUSE SHE LOOKS CUTE AF IN ANY STYLE POSTED HERE ❣️❣️❣️Because I have a strong sentiment for Geena Davis in "The Long Kiss Goodnight" I'll vote for BOB CUT but all of them looks great and something is telling me that the winner will be 5th or 6th...


Hehe, thank you, Maggie! I guess I made good choices on her new style, then. 😊Geena Davis is gorgeous so great selection!