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Ever wake up on the wrong side of gender? 😉

I enjoy exploring these longer stories. Part 2 will be out later this month! 



Alyson Greaves

Hell yes let's get some revenge... in heels!

Zoe Storm

Fun fact: spike heels are just the right shape and size to be jammed into an ear, to reach the brain without that pesky skull being in the way.

Autumn Rovers

... You always blow my mind! Such a different writing style then usual! I Love it!


OMGGGG This is sooo........ REAL ❣️❣️❣️❣️hehehe ;) btw if I may... I found at least 1 typo on 1st page "fity-mile radius" P.S. It is really funny how "his" first thought was not to take off those pretty heels but to figure out how to walk in them 🥰


Thank you so much, Maggie! And, yeah, maybe his priorities need a little straightening out. 😉 Thanks for catching the typo. Grr. Those are annoying!

Alyson Greaves

There's a joke here about 'serving' but you know what time it is here right now, my brain is mostly asleep

Ella Cherry

Oh, how I love the first-person ones and those with higher contrasts in transformations! From macho man to pretty lady! Thanks for already saying it will continue. It saves me from asking 😂

Vyria Durav

Me: I don't make eggy headcanons for every character, that's ridiculous Also me: okay but this whole I'm a man's man internal narration sure is an interesting thing to fixate on, almost like someone is clinging to it so they don't have to think about their gender...


Emory, I know this refrain is going to sound tiresome, but…well, you can’t really leave it hanging there, can you? I think a conclusion is called for. Pretty please.

stacy C

Great find with the pics.....lovely, even if he/she doesn't appreciate it LoL x


It's hilarious that at the end his main concern after getting his revenge is how to walk in heels. 🤣


oof been there lol