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Yay! It's time to get your creative juices flowing and help shape the next season of Half Sisters, which begins on the 22nd of this month. I'm excited to see what you choose, so cast your votes!

Nikki will be the opening act since Sandy has the whole "Josh is captured by Mortimer" situation to deal with. But don't worry, Sandy will also be given her own poll in due time

The poll has three potential plotlines for Nikki that you can choose from and three ch-ch-ch-ch-changes to her body she'll begin to notice.

I have set the poll as a multiple choice, so feel free to pick any or all of the options that you like!

The result that comes in last will likely be modified, or maybe eliminated completely if it does really poorly!

Also, if you have any plot ideas, feel free to put them in the comments! I may steal them! 😊



agh!! I really want Nikki to try and act "butch" but I also want her to take ettiqute lessons! You see the bind i'm in!?


Change: do them all!

Zoe Storm

It's dead last in the poll, but I'd love to see Nikki go to a bar and be confronted with her teammates' toxic masculinity (via them hitting on her), which causes her to wonder "Wait, was I like that too?"


Oh she better be careful! I just picture her momma finding out and after making sure she's okay in true Southern momma fashion threatening to whoop the tar outta her lol

Winter Naomi Vera .

Right? For so long, Nick has insisted that, despite all his changes, he's still a boy, & is dressing (as much as possible) & behaving as such, trying to will being a boy back into being. Meeting with her former teammates would shatter that belief & force Nikki to come to terms with who she's become & realize that who she was, is probably not the kind of person she wants to be anymore. Doesn't sound like she used to be a good person. There's so much storytelling potential with this. It's a shame it's dead last. I hope it still plays a part in Nikki's story at some point though.


I'm glad you both like the idea, too! All of these plot points are pretty compelling to me, so there's still quite a chance of this happening. Maybe people feel that storyline is more of a "Season 3" plot for Nikki. 😊


I think cage change is bound to happen


I find it very interesting and fun for the plot and for Nikki's ego and behavioral corrective, that she is forced to date boys (having to pose as Zach's girlfriend) and that the boys treat him like the girl he appears to be. Let Nikki be punished for her behavior prior to the kidnapping for how she treated the girls she dated, for her misogynistic and sexist behavior towards them.... That she learns by sticks and candy what it's like to live on the "other side of the fence". To see his inner conflict between how he sees himself and how others perceive and treat her. How he is now excluded from things that he had as his own and now he is included in others that were alien to him, and having to learn to behave in both... And to see how little by little the HIM and HER are becoming ONE step by step. BUT....I also don't want to forget, that this behavior comes preceded by bullying he suffered as a child and that the situation he finds himself in is not because of his actions, but because of a homophobic billionaire scumbag homophobe ashamed of his gay son and his own pathetic father. So what I expect in Nikki's story arc, is that as she undergoes a forced feminization both physically and socially, where she has to pose as Zach's girlfriend (with Zach's help) and suffer harassment from the other guys, she also gets, after the initial share of humiliation and disdain from the girls or some of them, acceptance by them and finally the love of one of them. Along with their own acceptance and love of their new selves. A love that they will have to hide to play along with Zach's father, until with the help of Zach, Sandy, his mother, his new girlfriend, Zach's boyfriend and their new friends, they get revenge on both Zach's father and Nikki's father. In short, being a story of 2 protagonists, we already have one, Sandy, who has changed her sexual preferences (or discovered them, although she is still investigating), possibly because she was an "egg" –this I have learned from Alyson's books 😘– So I hope that with Nikki a different direction is taken –the "non-egg" one– and although she eventually accepts and embraces her new self-due to the initial forced circumstances, she keeps her sexual preferences in girls.


I feel like it makes sense for one of the girls to Date women for at least a time being and one to date men, is it sandy or Nikki to date women tho? At the moment sandy is already pretty much dating a woman. I feel like in order to get the most out of the story one of the girls should be dating or interested in dating men. I agree with you and think sandy is more likely to end up hetero, however I think it would be truely fascinating to watch Nikki develop real feelings for men. I think it would be interesting if by the end of the story sandy is bisexual and Nikki is full on hetero (Dates men)

Diana Bialaska Hansen

Hoping for the meeting team mates. Nikki seeing just how far she has drifted from them, which will set her free to find out that if she is not one of them, then who is she?


The first plot idea reminds me of "My Fair Lady" with Nikki doing her best Eliza Doolittle impression.


Nikki is my fave. I can't wait for her to accept her new role and fall for her rival. I imagine the rival will start to protect her and show a softer side. That it was a feud between father's. And they're both victims.


Oh no, no, no, nooo. I am like female version of Adrian Monk from that "Monk" tv series... when somebody gives me something to choose from... all options are always equally best to me and i am unable to choose... when i'll pick everyone my choosing will change nothing... damn you Emory ;) I am choosing to see all variants.... spread on a timeline.... ❣️❣️❣️ P.S. most intriguing thing to see is definitely Nikki in "butch" mode... the sooner she sees "toxic masculinity" the sooner she'll start to evolve into self-aware butterfly ❣️❣️❣️


I have the exact same expectations. I really don't like when protagonists change so deeply that they are basically not the same person. There is some stuff you cannot change, and tastes (musique, food, sexuality) usually don't change. And on that note, I like a lot the arc of Sandy, I feel it was really well written.


With regard to the first plot suggestion, there have been plenty of glimpses to indicate that Zach feels just as trapped by his father’s megalomania as Nikki does. Indeed all three are trapped by Hutchinson Senior’s inability to accept that his son is gay. If Nikki and Zach could form an alliance, however uneasy and uncertain, and purely to sabotage Zach’s father’s plans, that could yet see a positive outcome. Maybe…


I would love to see nicky with a Tiny waste and killer legs , and dressed with only high heels maybe zachs father can make it possible . And in the personality as we know Nikki doesnt want to cooperate maybe mr Hutchinson can hire a hypnotherapist to help nikki to blossom


💖 I likely will at some point. It's really a question of which comes first and which may wait for Season 3...


Great thoughts, ckarya and boby! I completely agree with you. I'm not at all a fan of "identity death" or anything like that. I hope that the characters grow and change over time because of their incredible and difficult situation but that, ultimately, they remain the same people -- even if they don't even up the same gender. 😊


Nikki will be dating a guy no matter what she does... Zach! She's not happy about it. Of course, neither is Zach. 😂 Will anything come from that relationship? We'll have to see!


Me too, Diana. Might have to be down the road a bit. But, hey, by then she will have drifted even further!


I hope she grows some level of attraction to men, but i would understand if she ended up only liking women. I know right now she is totally repulsed dating zach but I always appreciate the most dramatic of character transformations. If Nikki ever does start to like men it would be an exciting journey to see! For now tho it looks like she has no other choice. XD


It's absolutely true that they're both victims of their bastard fathers. What happens will depend on Zach's attitude towards Nikki and her own attitude towards her dad... She needs to realize he's not the hero she made him out to be in her head.


Great minds think alike, Maggie! You're definitely not alone in wanting to see all the possible variants of this story. If I had the power, I'd make all of them come true! 🤩


Wow, that's a really interesting suggestion, Robert! I love the idea of an uneasy alliance between Nikki and Zach - it would definitely add some interesting drama to the story. Can you imagine the chaos that could ensue?


Nikki's body type is very slender, so she'd definitely rock a cocktail dress with killer heels! A hypnotherapist to help her with her attitude would be...interesting. But I imagine Nikki would just as soon sabotage the whole thing! She's a bit of a brat after all. 😝