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A conspiracy is kindled, and Jill meets the competition...

Phew! Another long one at 24 pages, but I had so much to fit into this episode. I really enjoyed creating the images for this one, even though it was sometimes a real challenge!

Thank you to everyone who voted in the story poll. The choice was for Jill to meet one of the competitors. Which one is it? Read on to find out. 😊

I can't wait to hear your thoughts!



Wes Adams

Josie is stunningly beautiful. Very "girl-next-door."


Well, what to say? The would-be rescuers seem determined and resolute, but without the resources and added obsession of Morosini they would almost certainly get nowhere, so his input and survival are absolutely key. There are also plenty of hints/red herrings/possible misdirections about what could happen once the rescue attempt is mounted. Suffice to say, more things could go wrong than are likely to go right. But let’s leave all that to your agile brain, Emory! This is very much a marking time chapter. Can’t help thinking all hell is about to be let loose soon. I’m also damn sure you’re going to keep us waiting just as long as you can…

Emily Morgan

The expressions and renders are the best you've ever done. I am in love with adele and josie.

Emily Morgan

can I just say that all of Josie's expressions tell a story by themselves

Emily Morgan

I am glad to see Adele

Ella Cherry

This epic story is so full of great characters! But every time Josie appears, she wins my preference. I like that she's not too comfortable as a woman, only being realistic about her situation, and I love how she deals with Mason. What a well-written dialogue! We could immediately understand her personality. Now she's going to put her neck on the line going back in some kind of cover, pretending she's a contestant in the beauty pageant. I really can't wait to read more!

France Day

The Morosini clan seems to have a plan semantically based on one word: "secret" which involves working in the shadows and surprising Xu and his network. What we know of Xu is that he has become a master of shadow games. I wish good luck to the Morosini clan but I don't believe they can defeat Mr. Xu's intelligence in this game. Once again Emory a marvelous painting which transmits a soul to our brave characters. TYE.


I wonder who the "inside man" could be. I have some ideas. For instance, maybe the "man" does not look like a man anymore!


Robert, thank you for your thoughtful comments. Sometimes I can't tell if my brain is agile or addled, but thank you! 😂 Morosini is key to their plan, but he won't be much help on the island. At that point, Josie and whoever volunteers (if anyone) will need to rely on luck and skill in equal measure. It's strange that after all these years, it finally feels as if we're leading up to the big finale! I hope you're enjoying the ride as much as I am!


Thank you so much, bell! That's a big compliment. I'm really glad my efforts towards photorealism are paying off. 💖


She really has no poker face 😂 Maybe that's what got her in trouble in the first place!


You’re storytelling is incredible! Can’t wait to see how this shakes out especially considering the results of the poll! I’m not sure how the ‘escape plan’ will go. To me, posting something on the dark web doesn’t end the actual problem just makes people pissed. Sure they don’t want publicity, but surely someone else who’s rich and power hungry would just fill the void? Either way, I don’t see how Xu’s plans don’t come to fruition for Jill. In some ways, I think I could see Jill being so enveloped and broken by the coming changes that she might just fight for Xu rather than with her sister. I could possibly seeing this as a story that ends with a ‘tragedy’ per se as everyone falls into the void of Second Dawn. But isn’t that what we all want to see >:)


Someone once said "the devil lies using the truth." or something like that and I think that certainly applies to everything Xu is doing. I cant wait to see the what happens at the party. But I suspect the end result won't end with Xu behind the bars of the Hague any time soon.


Ella! I had a lot of fun writing this scene with Josie. Although Jill will always be my favorite, writing for Josie is always a blast. A spin-off about her adventures would be fun... if she survives this situation!


France, you're right! Those working with Morosini have to be careful. Xu is the king of deceit and has already used a number of powerful strategies to defeat his enemies. Perhaps Morosini will have better luck than the others but, if so, he'll have to be creative and aggressive in order to achieve his goals.


Thank you so much, Nina! You're right, Morosini has only changed the battlefield. The war continues. Jill is in such a confusing, dangerous place right now. She's been abducted, forced to undergo physical and emotional changes, and all the while she has been adapting and trying to cope. Holly helped her weather the storm but now most of what she thought she knew about her turned out to be false. What can she trust? Who can she trust? As far as she's aware, there is no plan to save her. She has to do it all on her own. Meanwhile, Xu is cooking up "special" plans for her. In the end, will her spirit break? How much can you change before you lose yourself? And who will be left? 💖


You're absolutely right, Jen! Xu is a master at shaping the truth in his favor. He's also very careful. His security measures are tight. and obviously his PR people are really good at keeping him clean and out of the spotlight. However, he has made one mistake: he has made it personal for Morosini. Maybe his arrogance will catch up to him. We'll see! 😊


Oooh, this is devious Emory!! I kind of forgot that as a reader we know more than the characters! I suppose if you don’t inform Jill that there’s an escape then how exactly will she trust you? She might as well see this as another test of her allegiance and willingness to submit. I think in a way, Xu has confused her so much that she won’t want to trust the alleged escape because of the fear of being wrong. Holly’s betrayal likely spells the end of the escape imo. I’m excited!! Great job again Em 💜

stacy C

I'm amazed Josie wants to return to the island, hopefully this plan won't go tits up.......so to speak hehe x


😂 I'm not sure she WANTS to return... but she's brave enough to try! Thank you, Stacy!

mdtrentotto dodici

My fault but... who is Josie? With so many character and no searching engines it's really a problem to remember all


Not a problem! That's why I made this "Dramatis Personae" and will continue it next month. You knew Josie originally as "Joey" one of the guards on the island where Jill is currently. 😊 https://www.patreon.com/posts/jack-jill-part-1-75904486