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Chris's attempt to regain a semblance of normalcy is rudely interrupted...

Welcome back, everyone! I'm so excited to bring you the final episode of Homecoming season one! It's been a wild ride, and I'm sure you're as eager as I am to see how the season ends.

This episode is special—not only is it the finale, but it's also (again) longer than usual at 26 pages. I've packed in as much story as I could, so I hope it will be an enjoyable and satisfying conclusion.

I can't wait to hear your thoughts and feedback! Thanks for sticking with me all season long. 💖



DavidCandice Long

Really like this storyline. Not overly complicated with 24 different sub-plots and 200 characters just for the sake of stretching the story out. Well done. Looking forward to more. Artwork is outstanding.


Thanks so much, David! 😊 I'm looking forward to returning to Chris's story fairly soon. Season 2 will hopefully be even better.


Quite possible, Nikki. Sometimes the only way to survive is to adapt, just like Chris did while he was trapped by Bella.

Jessica Thence

Interesting. A lot of ways this could go!


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Transphobic cop, transphobic cop, transphobic cop!!!!! I really can’t wait to see how Kris acts tbh. I feel like she is some sort of submissive who thoroughly enjoys any and every form of pleasure and Chris is terrified of her. The cop adds a-whole-nother layer to this! Is there some sort of plan to ignore Chris’ pleas and just arrest him for being different then they want? If that’s the case something tells me I know exactly who Kris’ John is gonna be. What sweet sweet way to fuck up you’re ex fiancé’s new beau than make sleep with you and be taken away. This is evil! I love how you play with the rendering to make Chris seem more soft and feminine in times of fear and vulnerability, but when he’s home, he looks a little masc and stalwart! Very small detail but I like it! I can’t wait to see how this story fully pans out!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!


I love the plot development


This is so good! On top of Chris having to try to piece together the life he was taken from with whatever is left to him finding out this has been hanging over his head the entire time and he has been trying to protect Kayla and himself and to continue doing so he has to entrap someone else is heartbreaking. This is going to add so much more tension to season two, I'm really looking forward to it! Also Chris dropping that he was taken outside of Bella's normal modus operandi is extremely suspicious, I'm looking forward to seeing how that develops.


What a great first season Emory! 💖 As I already feared, you answer a few questions and you raise a few more... hehehe (this looks like LOST - though hopefully with a better ending). 😉 For season 2 we will have Chris already in action mode, I hope we will find out how he managed to get out without completing the points goal (if I understood correctly) and how he will manage to deliver a John (who will he choose... Ben you start to have a John face...) to Bella and "The Cunt". On the other hand we have the police plot and the love triangle. And Bella and The Cunt and their man-hating organization.... And I guess we'll be reunited with "old friends" like Al and hopefully Cindy.... All in all, great job Em! 👏👏👏

Ella Cherry

Wow! It’s becoming a great thriller! What a great read! Thanks Emory, I can’t wait for more! ❤️

Emily Morgan

Already hoping it’s a former client that Kris picks and how sweet would it be if he was the guy in the van or Kris struggled to decide should it be the creep or the cop. I just love the idea that It’s “cum” full circle and now it’s Kris who has to pick a John. I just hope it’s not a random John but someone just right.

France Day

Emory, it's very nice and relaxing to swim in mystery. I have the impression of being on vacation on the Thai beaches in the middle of a James Bond film... the sequel promises to be really thrilling because this chapter guarantees an unfolding beyond our expectations. Admirable once again TYE.


As I had suspected, Bella and her organisation, whoever and whatever she might be, have always held a level of control over Chris/Chrissy and now we see it in stark relief. This episode might easily have been called The Cunt, the Cop and the Question. I also think that there’s a lot more to Ben than meets the eye, none of it good. And Chrissy’s boy act is about to come crashing to an end. Nicely poised for Act Two. Great writing, great art, yet again.


Thank you so much, Nina!!! I'm so, so glad you're enjoying it and picking up on all the little details. Your theories about Kris and Chris are shockingly accurate--are you in my head??? 😂 I love that you noticed how Chris's appearance changes depending on his emotions. My hope was to make it a subtle but effective way to show his vulnerability and fear out in the real world. Thank you again for your thoughtful comments! I can't wait for you to see what happens next in the story!


Thank you so much for your kind words, Ken! You're right, Chris's situation is definitely going to add a lot of tension to season two. It's going to be interesting to see how he navigates this new reality and tries to protect himself and Kayla. As for Chris being taken outside of Bella's normal modus operandi, this is definitely something that will be explored in season two, along with why he was freed early. I can't wait for you to see what happens next and how these threads are developed. 😊


Oh definitely! I accidentally left my keys next to your brain when I was looking for the theories :) And I’m so excited for every story Emory!


Thank you so much for your kind words and enthusiasm, ckarya! 😊 It means a lot to me that you enjoyed the first season and are looking forward to season two. I'm glad you're interested in how Chris will navigate this new reality and deliver a John to Bella and "The Cunt," as well as how he was able to get out without getting enough points. I'm also really looking forward to exploring the police plot and the love triangle, as well as delving deeper into Bella's (little) organization. As for Al and Cindy... we'll see! 😉 Thank you again for your support and for being such an engaged reader! I can't wait for you to see what happens next.


Thank you so much for your thoughts, Bell! I had hoped the idea of Kris needing to pick her replacement would add an interesting dynamic to the story. I'm so happy it seems to have worked! Kris will definitely struggle with the decision of who to choose. Maybe it'll be the creep, maybe it'll be the cop... or maybe it'll be someone completely unexpected! 😊 I can't wait for you to see what happens next!


Thank you so much France! 💖 I'm glad you enjoyed the mystery and excitement of the first season. More to come!


Thank you, Robert! Bella's hold over Chris is very strong. Even now, she's the puppet mistress pulling all the strings! (although it seems like she hasn't communicated everything to her partner) LMAO - I love your suggested title! I'm terrible at coming up with those. Thank you again for your support and for being such an engaged reader. I can't wait to see what you think of season two!


Oh God, if you're really in my head I need to apologize for whatever else you might find in there. 🤣

stacy C

The plot thickens.....so it looks like Chris has been released to recruit other poor guys destined for femininity.....(waves to Chris hehe) x


Yep! Which is actually what "Cindy" was supposed to do when she was released, as well (at the beginning). Instead, she tried to find help and Chris was ensnared!


OMG. I was sad that Raan’s Doll ended, but this is a perfect replacement. I can’t wait for season 2. It’s almost like Chris and Kris are his subconscious arguing if they are a man or woman. Can’t wait for season 2 amazing story.


Thank you so much, Nikki! Yes, Kris and Chris are certainly the same "person" -- just different facets. Kris even recognizes she was created by Chris as an attempt to survive her time with Bella. She doesn't want to take Chris's life... she just wants to help him navigate it again. 😊


I feel like Kris isn’t gone. They are eventually going to have a fight for control. I feel like eventually Chris will embrace Kris.