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Chris comes to terms with "Kris" and Kayla visits the park...

The bad news? This episode was late. Sorry!

The good news? The episode is 26 pages long with a bonus pinup and I tested some new techniques.

Chris's story is evolving and delving into the psychology of his character has been really rewarding. I hope you like the episode. I can't wait to hear your thoughts!



Jessica Thence

No one in TG fiction tells real stories like you Emory. Like actual literary stories. Well done.

Alyson Greaves

Emory you cow you ripped my heart out over lunch 🥰 Why must the plot thicken so? 😭

France Day

We swim in full mystery to better know the facts or the reasons which underlie the history of Kris. Building suspense with another character coming on the scene only adds more pieces to the puzzle. We ask for more as if to find a solution to the induced disarray. My regards E.


Wow... I don't have time now, I'll leave my comment later, there's a lot of information and as usual, the plot gets complicated....😉 PS: I imagine it's those new touches you comment, but both Kris with her long hair, and especially in this episode Kayla in the park looks gorgeous and I love her facial expressions! 😍

Ella Cherry

Oh, getting better, and better… and better! Such a great story!


What if…what if……Ben is Bella??? 😳


Interesting concept! Someone with a motive to get rid of Kris. I like it.


Well, once again a very interesting chapter that opens up new plots of the story and introduces us to a new character, who, it seems, was Chris' best friend and who during the years of Chris' absence has been banging his fiancée... and who is also the detective in charge of Chris' case. Nothing to reproach him and Kayla for their romance during Chris's absence, but... This is where Emory leaves us wondering if they are still together, if Benjamin is being honest or if he is hiding something shady with the investigation? At the moment, Ben's doubts seem normal to me, since it is clear that Chris's case is not normal and also from what it seems Chris is not collaborating much or at all with the investigation. 🤔 We have to go discovering the reason for Chris's silence (I imagine that for fear of Bella, although we still do not know what were the terms of his release, so we can only speculate on the reasons...). 🤔🤔 Or maybe he doesn't trust Ben because of something we currently don't know..... (I seem to remember that before returning home Chris has been some time off out in the world and we don't know what he did during that time...) 🤔🤔🤔 We also need to know about Kayla's conflict: the loss of her fiancé, leaving him for dead, new romance, the return of her totally changed fiancé. Where does she stand and who is she going to fight for? 🤔🤔🤔🤔 I hope and wish she will fight for Chris/Kris, helping her in her new life... 🥰 And we can't forget about BELLA and her fucking organization.... As they point out above, could Ben belong to it or be working for or with it, or even Ben be Bella herself? 🤯 Me with the info we have on Bella, I find it hard to believe that she works with any man due to her hatred and fanaticism, but.... Great job, Em! 😉


JEEEEEEEEEEEEEESUS........... that idea is INSANEly good actually..... but it would bump this comic into top tier of "twilight zone" or "the outer limits" episodes........ way out of "classic simple forced fem stories"... OMGGGGG


Ohhh, CKARYA... I love your thoughts... because I'm late again you're ahead of me with this comprehensive insight for the current situation... I do not see the need to repeat after you so I'll only say that I am singing with my both hands everything what you said above... 😘😘😘❣️❣️❣️


Just Imagine if next page will be Chris/Kris waking up in his bed still at that place... and everything "after leaving it" was only a very, very long dream... Oh shit I hope not... (ok conversation between Kayla and Benjamin completely discard that but still...)

stacy C

Hmmm.....so is it all just made up? Is Chris still imprisoned and he's imagining what it would be like to be free? Did he actually do all this to himself and invented a crazy story to cover it up....and what happened before that pin up photo was taken LoL....lots to think about x


Holy shit! I should’ve seen this coming but if i’ll on knocked me from the side! Chris is being used! A pawn! They will look crazy because I don’t Bella makes anyone easy to find :( that would make a feminization ring too easy! I wonder how the two lovers relationships will strain as Chris comes back and along that point, is Chris even back? Or is it Kris? I wouldn’t be surprised for some PTSD episodes to just happen. And the way they react to their genitalia seems to leave some room for future discussion. How will Bella feel with detectives poking around! If this anything like Second Dawn, something tells me there may be a returning member with two plus ones soon!!


💖 It's silly how proud I am of the "bonus pinup" which is actually my interpretation of Chris’s nightmare.


Thank you for your thoughtful words, France, as always! I'm excited to explore more of the mystery surrounding Chris / Kris and the other characters. 😊


Thanks for your kind words, ckarya! I really love Kayla's look and that was one of the times I feel as if I've gotten close to photorealism. 😄 The plot is definitely thickening, so stay tuned!


Thank you so much for your comments and theories about the episode! I'm thrilled to see that you're enjoying the story and the new developments. It's fascinating to see how you're piecing together the clues and coming up with your own theories about what might happen next. I can't wait for you to see what's coming next in the story, and I'm sure you'll be surprised by some of the twists and turns we have in store. As for your theories about Ben and Kayla, I can't say anything for sure, but I can assure you that all will be revealed in due time. Keep reading and stay tuned for more! I'm excited to see where the story takes us next. 😈 Thanks again for your support and feedback, ckarya and Maggie! I love, love reading them and do so as soon as they're posted (even if it takes me awhile to reply sometimes) 😊


I'm glad I didn't do that to him, Maggie! That would have been very sad and unfair for poor Chris / Kris. 💖


Thanks, Stacy! Sounds like you're beginning to doubt Chris and his story! If you're beginning to doubt him, imagine how Kayla must feel. 😉 I promise that all will be revealed in due time. In the meantime, please keep sharing your theories. 😊


Thank you, Nina! Writing the revelation about Kayla and Ben was honestly a bit hard because I've been loving the relationship between Chris and Kayla. It felt like tossing a bomb into a loving couple that is just beginning to heal. Is Chris a pawn? You make some interesting points! And we have seen them muse about whether they're really free, their fear of leaving the apartment, etc. And, yeah, Chris definitely has a form of PTSD and some...other...issues, as we see in Episode 11. These will definitely be important themes to explore in future episodes. As for how the relationships between Chris, Kayla, and Ben will strain and how Bella will react to the detectives, you'll just have to keep reading to find out! 😉 Thank you again for your support and your amazing comments. They mean a lot to me!