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Kris comes into her own...

Another double issue of Homecoming! The truth is, I'm having so much fun with Chris's story and all its intricacies. I can't wait to hear what you think of this latest episode.

By far, my favorite image is page eight, where we get to see Kris in all her wonderful, feminine glory... Enjoying the sensations of her new body despite herself.

What about you? 😊



Jessica Thence

This is quite the story. I can never anticipate the twists and turns.

Tiki D

Is Alan going to help Chris/Kris at some point?

Tiki D

Despite Chris loving Kayla, the Kris part of him still like Alan as well. Are they going to meet again after the flashback?

Tiki D

Bella might have put nanobots in the shower to keep eye on Chris/Kris.


OMG 😍🥰😍

Terry Rose

Very nice Emory... You show insight and empathy while providing no sugar coating.

France Day

Through Alan, Kris is confirmed in her new feminine sensuality. She needs to share herself with the man her heart desires, she needs Alan's desire to accept without fear this new happiness which comes to surprise her. The path is beneath her and I believe Bella knows it too. The anchor point is forged and a new look is born. Thank you Emory, a splendid painting showing the power and the birth of a sharing relationship.


Wow, Emory you keep doing it, what a great chapter. Very interesting psychologically. This being a story of forced feminization, in which Chris undergoes a gradual sex change (in which he was also the one who had to pause or accelerate his transition to achieve freedom), including the mutilation of his body (orchi) and being forced into prostitution to achieve that goal, we see that what has dented his psyche the most is socialization. Let me explain. After a long time (1-2 years?), locked up first in a dungeon and then in a 3x4 brothel room, what he needs most is human contact, socializing and empathizing with someone who treats him as a person in order not to break down for good. And from that impulse, he begins to overcome his disgust, humiliation and shame at what they are doing to him and what he is doing. At this point (what we know so far), I don't think Alan, the man, is important to him, but Alan, the person, is. He doesn't get turned on by the touching, the kissing and the blow job, but what he craves is human contact, socialization, empathy, not desire. That contact is what makes him overcome inhibitions, humiliation, disgust and shame. And on the other hand, we have the psychological blow of finding yourself and having to act in the opposite role of your gender. To be seen and desired as a woman by men. To be forced to please them and assume that role in order to get to the end of the line... with her body as intact as possible and to meet her fiancée and... freedom? Wow, I love this series! Thanks Em. 😍 PS: I don't know if the translator will understand very well what I'm trying to express, it's difficult, I try to write so it's understood, and fuck, it's twice as difficult and it takes me twice as long (damn anglicized pronouns! hehehe). 😉

Alyson Greaves

I'm stuck in writing hell so this will be far less rambly than usual, but my GOD you are spoiling us with these long episodes! The rendering quality! The writing! The chilling bit with the name and zip code of Chris' wife! (Which is extra concerning because we don't know how Chris got out, so we don't know if either of them could still be in danger!) I love the height difference between Chris and Kayla. I love Chris' determination to do whatever it takes to survive ("intact") and get the hell out. I love Chris dropping temporarily into the Kris persona, and having almost a friend in Alan. And using she pronouns for her! Slippery slope there, Kris; that's how they getcha. Incredible episode.


Chris crossed a threshold with Alan, someone Chris at least liked as a person. But once he crossed the line of sex with a man it must have made it easier to continue doing it with others. But I am wondering if at some point Chris felt some level of enjoyment or even some arousal. Chris has not given his body yet and is that a matter of time? Will he get that far?

Ella Cherry

Just getting better and better! ❤️


Very interesting development. Considering Chris eventually gets out I’m assuming there’s some variation of split personality and stockholm syndrome. It makes sense to lock some part of you away to get better things in a non consensual situation. Alan being nice seems to trigger that stockholm part, especially being the first person to be nice. Is this going to be a Jill and Mason situation??? Be nice then pull the rug out. I do wonder how exactly Chris is having this conversation with Kayla considering I don’t think Bella’s operation was blown open. There would be no need to tell Kayla everything. From my understanding, Kris did anything to get back to Kayla, including taking the proverbial deep dive. We will see! Great job Emory! Fantastic as always!

Bella Lime

Probably right about trans women dreaming about those results


I really appreciate that, Terry. Definitely no sugarcoating in Chris's story. Although we know he escaped, we're beginning to see everything he had to go through to get out, begging the question of if "he" really made it out at all.


Thank you, France! But do you think "Kris" is real in the same way that "Chris" is? Or is "Kris" just the persona that Chris has to take on at certain points in order to deal with the changes in his life? Of course, a coping mechanism like that may become part of the real identity.


First of all, I understand what you've written very well, ckarya! And I want to thank you very much for taking the time to write such a thoughtful and insightful comment. Comments like yours are what make writing this comic so worthwhile for me. You're right that it's the socialization that has dented his psyche the most. All humans crave interaction on some level and being locked up and isolated would be incredibly damaging to anyone. Of course, in addition to this, Chris's body is being changed against his will -- and if he wants to get out anytime soon, he has to subject himself to even more changes. But I think you're also right that Alan, the person, is more important to him than Alan, the man. He's craving is human connection. And that's what's helping him to overcome his shame and disgust -- the fact that there is at least one person in his life who treats him with empathy and respect. Thanks again for your insightful comment!


Thank you, Alyson! I'm glad you like the height difference between Chris and Kayla. I think it's hot, too. Hopefully they get to appreciate each other's bodies again soon. 😊 In my view, Chris is one of the strongest protagonists we've seen in this kind of scenario. He'll absolutely do whatever is necessary to get out and be with his wife again. And yet, if agrees to the more radical changes, how much of him will be left to go back to her? Will he have lost too much of himself? At what point is there more "Kris" than "Chris?" I'm looking forward to revealing a bit more of Alan's background in the next few episodes. Good thing he likes to talk so much! 😉


Thank you, Pelican! You're absolutely right. Alan was a gateway for Chris. Actually, he was the second gateway. This is actually the second act of fellatio he gave that day. As is often said, "You can get used to anything." Of course, that doesn't mean these acts aren't altering how Chris views himself. As his body changes even more and he perhaps allows for other acts to happen, his sense of self is being remade as well. So, who really escaped from Bella? Was it Chris or Kris? 😉


Thank you, Nina! At this point, we may start wondering how much of "Chris" escaped and how much is "Kris." Disassociation is a classic response to stress and danger. Chris is obviously undergoing extreme stress and duress, so this isn't a surprise. Of course, the more time passes, the more his body starts to look / react much more like "Kris." Is there a tipping point where Chris effectively disappears? Where he can no longer disassociate because "Kris" has become too dominant? Alan's friendliness and -- for lack of a better word -- "normalness" is definitely strengthening the hold of "Kris" over "Chris." After all, Alan likes the woman he believes Kris is, not the miserable guy underneath the mask. And that's very perceptive! Although we know Chris spoke with the police, we don't know whether Bella was arrested or not. Maybe the police are just keeping everything sealed for now. Or maybe Bella is still out there, which is why Chris is still afraid.


Oh no! I just had a thought! What if the police need “Kris” back to help blow open the operation!!! Ahhh the trauma (but wonderful story hehe)! What if this is just the precursor to “Kris” coming back?? So many theories!!

France Day

Emory: when the being looks at the smile of a child, he wraps himself in the poetry of this smile. When the being sees the atrocities of war, a great disarray comes to live in his soul. It's all about the "mirror"...reality is where the mind fixes its attention. Thus the reality of Chris is also the reality of Kris, each possessing their own perception. Two eyes but only one look. When Chris sees Kris, there is a jarring vision. When Kris sees Kris there is the poetry of the possible.