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Well done, Platinum Star Members! Tom Wakefield was the winner of the poll -- although he might take issue with that designation. 😉

To increase the chance of a positive result, one of our best handlers was put in charge of Tom's transition: Holly. 




Oh boy! Watch out world, here comes Tania! She's got that gorgeous look that she can be a real bitch. My Lord but what a babe she turned out. Poor Tom, it must be really depressing to know no one would care to go to your funeral, nobody missed him. That's sad. What a difference in attitude between Tania and Nikki.

Alyson Greaves

Holly reading Tania's diary and finding her happier and fulfilled. Relieved, she makes another tick on the chalk board in her mind under the column that reads, "DOESN'T go on my conscience forever."

Emily Morgan

Tania gets the privileges all beautiful women have now. She gets to decides who gets the privilege of giving her attention.

Emily Morgan

I thought at the very end her privilege was going to be deciding who else comes to the second dawn program


We as platinium members must keep tracking project Tania . I think she has the right attitude to be a high class socialite now


Yes, I'm happy Tania turned out so pretty and relatively happy. Just like Holly, she doesn't have to be "okay" with the whole kidnapping and forced feminization thing -- but she can still choose to live the best life possible! And she even gets to pick who she'll be a companion for! Mr. Xu can be so generous sometimes. 😉

Alyson Greaves

Nikki gets her own column. The heading is just a keysmash and five angry devil face emoji.

Erica Rost

Mr. Xu, he's telling me something!


OMG OMG OMG she is sooo hot 🔥🔥🔥 WOW... maybe it is unwanted / forced feminization but god damned I'm so happy it happened... Sorry Tom YAY Tania 😊


She certainly does, Digi. All that shyness and uncertainty has been transformed into confidence and grace. 😁

stacy C

Unfortunately I missed the poll but Tom would have been my choice anyway.....and what a result, we do good work hehe x

Jessica Thence

A fun little side cap. This is the Rouge One of the Holly-verse.