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I'm sorry this is a bit late. I'm getting over a cold that had me down and out for a couple days. 🤧

This one is a bit different! I once again used Photoshop to make the faces more similar, and I think it came out well!

I hope you like it, and rest assured there will be a "Part 3" out later this month.




Emory, I love it. Quite the twist here, & thank you for letting us all know there’ll be more of it this month. 👏👏


Hmmm I am a bit... lost? So on second page (1y ago) there is a dude standing behind... this is Mike? And Mike now looks like a girl on picture from "Lost Year, Part 1" ? But Linda is still using male pronouns talking about her husband... So it is more like parallel universe thing? I am so confused LOL So the phrase that Mike couldn't remember was... "Find your inner self and set her free." right?


I'm 1000% sure Ali will love it.

Alyson Greaves

funnily enough this is the first time I've got kind of body horror-ish vibes from one of these (and it's entirely from within, because the idea of detransitioning is scary to me personally lmao)

Ella Cherry

Oh I was waiting for this one! Love it!


Totally. The very notion of going from that lovely feminine body / face to something masculine is really scary, whereas the opposite is never the case in my mind. 😬


Linda seems to be adjusting well - hopefully Mike calms down... Or they need more counseling :D


Exactly - Mike thought that his change was Linda's idea, so (s)he's going to be surprised (again) ;)


Emory, “click into place”? Pun intended? 😆😆

Jessica Thence

Oh man I love role swaps! What a fun and unique direction you've taken this! Can't wait for part 3! Well, I probably can haha. But still!