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Lauren helps her ex-boyfriend Nicholas pick out the perfect bra...

We're ending the first month of 2022 with more Half Sisters! In the episode, we find out a bit more about Nikki's emotional state and her relationship with both her dad and Lauren. I'm curious what you all think of the dynamic between Nikki, Lauren, and Nikki's mom. As always, I really can't wait to hear what you think!




Actually throwing up could be good for Nikki. Not sure if I want to see that, but she needs a wake-up call of some sorts...


it’s a long time I didn’t gave you a feedback.


I loved this story and this part with the first bra of Nikki is absolutely marvelous. You artwork is really incredible and the emotions on their faces are so great


I’m impatient to read the next stories how will nikki learn to become a woman


It seemed obvious to me that Nikki's mom was deliberately leaving Nikki on her own when she took off to get 'a pair of stockings". Who buys one pair? I do have to wonder if she was aware that Lauren was working at this particular shop. Was the meeting a deliberate set up on Mom's part?


Lauren is way too cool delivers excellent acting . Inside with mother doctors . She knew the plan for Nikki from start .


Thank you so much, Chloé! I’m honestly pretty impatient to create it for you, as well! Anything in particular you’re looking forward to her learning?


Hmmmm! 🤔 Interesting theory, mdaily and Sky. We know that Lauren and mom had a good relationship while Nikki was dating her. It certainly seems possible she sent her a text. Although, if so, it was probably so that Lauren would help, not laugh uproariously. 😉


My point of view is that Nikki needs to learn feminity and how to behave as a girl with all the problems boys don’t know. I see a teaching not based simply on make up, outfits, colors, boys but in using those as tools to teach how a girl must behave with all the difficulties of being a girl but also the pleasure of being one… I think Lauren can take some devil pleasure, accordingly her experience with Nicholas, but also to be supportive with the task she has from Nikki’s mum…


I like your view, Chloé! I imagine it'll be a quite a while before Nikki is open to learning about the joys of femininity, and she's very, very arrogant so I imagine she'll be extremely reluctant accept any of the challenges or difficulties of being a woman. But her growth will hopefully be very fun to watch! 😀

stacy C

Looks like Lauren is gonna have a new doll to play with :-) x


Hi, I think lauren has a powerful lever to force Nikki doing things Nicholas would hate. Nicholas arrogance will lead him to very difficult situations we will like a lot. Emory, I’m sure you will play on lauren’s power she has on Nikki, moreover with nikki’s mum benediction. I’m so impatient…


Nikki is walking a tightrope with Lauren, because she could make his life very difficult in ways that she (Lauren) just does not comprehend. This is getting both very interesting but also even more intense.


But please don’t forget about Sophie, Emory!


I agree 100%, Chloé. Lauren will -- at least at first -- have a lot of fun with Nicholas / Nikki. After all, she believes this is a temporary situation and is looking for a little revenge. I don't think she'll be especially cruel -- just enough to give Nikki a taste of life as a gorgeous young woman and all the challenges (and joys) that entails. But I wonder what will happen if Lauren finds out the truth of her ex-boyfriend's situation...


Thank you so much, Robert. 😀 I think Nikki would describe them as "fucking horrifying" instead of "very interesting" -- but I agree with you!


Never! I love her too much. Nikki had 5 episodes, Sofia had 5, and now Nikki is getting another 6. 😄


You are right, that will be very interesting if Lauren discovers the reality of the « hormonal disbalance » it can change her behavior… we will see because if you speak about it, you must have something behind your head as we say in french

Jessica Thence

Nikki is flat out living the dream!