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Nick goes to the mall with his mom for a bra and meets someone he didn't expect...

Happy New Year!

To celebrate we have seventeen new pages of Half Sisters. This episode was both very fun and challenging. Thank you to everyone who participated in the story poll! I think you might all still be surprised to see the direction the new character steers the story.

As always, I can't wait to hear what you think!



Alyson Greaves

Imagining Jill, Holly and everyone else's who's ever had to deal with Nikki hearing her mum say, "Tough love time," and cheering. Also having fun imagining an alternate version of this episode where the bra fitter was Nikki's old coach.

Alyson Greaves

"Nice hustle, left breast! Right breast needs to work harder. Now go hit the showers!"


What a cliffhanger... Jesus... A whole month of waiting for the reaction on seeing ex-boyfriend in new form by this equally beautiful bra fitter girl Lauren Gable... or even longer if we go back to Sofia next time :)

Keleigh W

This story just keeps getting better and better!


Another terrific chapter. Nikki looks gorgeous but the story is so involving.

Emily Morgan

you really out did yourself on this one, and that girl on the last page. What an improvement in grapchics


My imaginary engine is now at full speed with possible next events... IDK what Emory is planing here , but let's say my alt version goes like this: Nikki tries to be as tough as possible with this totally unrealistic situation... Lauren at first sight will say... "you look familiar... we've met before?" and Nikki will reply fast with... "Maybe I look familiar to you cause I am somewhat similar to Nicholas that football player who disappeared a while ago, people often say this to me it is like I could be his twin sister" and Nikki will act through all bra fitting process "as authentic as possible"... they will exchange phone numbers etc. and then when Nikki will go out and be alone for a short time she will totally melt with "what just happened??? it wasn't me right? is it?" :D what do you think ;)


The good news.... at least Nikki will not need to be measured for new panties! (or will she???)

Ella Cherry

Another great chapter, and I have to say I loved Tom boy Nikki! Happy new year, Emory! ❤️


A very interesting point in the story! Will his former "girlfriend from hell" recognize him or not? will he be honest with her about how he got in his situation? if so, how does she respond to that? Bwa Ha Ha! good stuff! excellent writing!

Emily Morgan

this was so wonderful. I adore the look on Mom's face. She is starting to like having a daughter I think. And the tough love is just what Nikki needs. Not to mention the art work on the last page is some of the best you have ever done. I can imagine it going a number of ways. IE: somehow Nikki ends up agreeing to join the cheer leaders IE: What if Lauren actually recognizes Nikki or doesn't recognize Nikki either way I think it tells a good story, if Nikki doesn't get recognized it really will teach Nikki that NO ONE will ever believe she WAS a guy. If Nikki does get recognized, Lauren will certainly react positively. ANyone I adore Lauren she is very beautiful. And also, rather she likes the bras or doesn't like the bras it also tells a good story: either Nikki realizes how she prefers bras, loves bras or hates them, it is sure to fall in line with generally how women feel about having to wear a bra.


Awwww. ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you so much, Keleigh. I’m really having a lot of fun with Half Sisters! I’m glad you are too. 😁


Crystal, your comment means so much to me. Thank you! That’s exactly what I’m going for: Beautiful visuals, lovely girls, and an engrossing story. That’s a lot, but I hope I at least hit two out of three each time. 😂


Thanks so so much, Horn! I admit I’m proud with how the art has advanced this year. Hopefully the improvements keep coming! 😁


😂🤣😂 Not this time around….but maybe soon! That chastity cage won’t stay that big forever.

Emily Morgan

That look on the face of Nikki's mother says a lot. I can easily imagine her growing to like having a daughter

Kirsten Roberts

Such a great episode. I can’t wait for the next one

stacy C

Loving the Mother's tough love.....don't think our Nikki appreciates it though LoL x


Thank you so, so much, Ella! Nikki is going to resist looking femme for as long as possible. A "She's All That" moment may be in her future, however... 😉


What a great version, Maggie! We'll see how close to the mark you are next week when Episode 13 is released. One thing to keep in mind is that Lauren is INTIMATELY familiar with Nick's old body. Maybe that will tip her off somehow...? 😉


Aw, thanks, mdaily! I'm, of course, really enjoying the girlfriend angle. I especially like that Nick obviously didn't have a good breakup with Lauren, so it's not clear what her reaction will be if she finds out that Nick now has boobs rivaling (or maybe even bigger than) her own!


it is also interesting that his Miss texas momma is beginning to get into caoch mode.


coaching mode, that is. also the introduction of the concept of rules! including cooperating with a certain former(?) cheerleader his own age


but apparently Nick was kind of a prick, so Hey!


Yeah, I imagine arrogant Nick wasn’t the best (or most loyal) of boyfriends! We know that Nikki is more than little concerned with his mother’s behavior / attitude by the time of her conversation with Sofia. Maybe the “rules” are starting to become more serious? Maybe she sees Nick’s feminization as the silver lining to help him become less of an asshole?


Aww... Maybe that's what Nikki was so nervous about when she was talking to Sofia?


Thank you so much, Horn! Your comment was so wonderful to read. You really helped make my night. I love how Lauren came out on the final page! 😀 I love how you think the story will be good no matter the outcome. That's so awesome! I will tell you that a couple of your theories a really close to what I'm planning. 💖

Emily Morgan

Call me bell, also I sent you a message, if you get a chance take a look. Hope you like it

Jessica Thence

Oh man. What are the odds! Hehehehe.